Panaro, who recently starred as Jean Valjean in the St. Louis MUNY production of Les Misérables, returns to the masked central role, with Patterson taking over the role of principal Christine and Marni Raab resuming performances as the Christine alternate on Wednesday matinees and Thursday evenings.
Hays (Les Misérables, Cats), a Phantom newcomer, succeeds Kyle Barisich as Raoul, and Canadian actor Mackintosh takes over for Jim Weitzer as Monsieur André. Weitzer will return to the role of Monsieur Reyer Sept. 9.
The Broadway principal cast also features Tim Jerome (Firmin), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Ellen Harvey (Madame Giry), Christian Sêbek (Piangi) and Kara Klein (Meg).
Produced by Cameron Mackintosh/Really Useful Group, Inc. and directed by Harold Prince, this year the musical celebrated 25 years in New York, where it plays The Majestic Theatre.
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