"Elmo The Musical," a new 11-minute segment replacing the popular "Elmo's World" on "Sesame Street," is described as "an interactive, fun-filled musical adventure created by Elmo and the child at home" and will focus on imagination and math skills.
According to the New York Times, the episodes include lyrics by Joey Mazzarino, the head writer of "Sesame Street," with music commissioned from a number of Broadway orchestrators, including Alex Lacamoire (Bring It On, In the Heights). Puppeteer and Broadway star John Tartaglia (Avenue Q) will also take part in the new musical series.
Episodes set for the upcoming season include "Sea Captain The Musical," "Guacamole The Musical," "Prince Elmo The Musical" and "President The Musical."
Other celebrities slated to appear on the 43rd season of "Sesame Street" include Halle Berry, Don Cheadle, Amy Ryan (A Streetcar Named Desire), Casey Affleck, Melissa McCarthy, Steve Carell, Jon Hamm, Eric Stonestreet, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tony winner David Hyde Pierce (Curtains), Timothy Olyphant, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, Blake Griffin, Matt Kemp, Zac Efron, Ed Helms, Kristen Bell (The Crucible), Paula Patton, Mario Lopez (A Chorus Line), Wendy Williams, Colbie Caillat, rock band Train, rapper Common and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
For more information, visit SesameWorkshop.org or SesameStreet.org.