Directed by Rachel Klein, the cast features Ashley Kate Adams, Remy Zaken, Jason Gotay, Randy Jones, Jenna Leigh Green, Damian Thompson, Emily S. Grosland, Patch David, Shiloh Goodin, Jamyl Dobson, Katie Lee Hill, Crista Marie Jackson and Brian Ferree.
Opening is scheduled for May 29.
The Anthem has a book by Gary Morgenstein, music by Jonnie Rockwell and lyrics by Erik Ransom.
The new musical, which features an expansive aerial and circus environment, is described as such: "'Hunger Games' meets Ayn Rand in a far off future (several centuries after the early 1980s) in a social media gone mad world, where individuality is illegal. Prometheus (Jason Gotay) abandons everything to confront the State — controlled by the overlord of evil efficiency, Tiberius (Randy Jones). With a forbidden copy of Ayn's Rand's ancient tome in hand, can Prometheus overthrow the system?"
The production also has music direction by Michael Gayle, music coordination by Mike Lunoe, scenic design by Robert Kovach, lighting design by Kryssy Wright, costumes co-designed by Kae Burke, sound design by Sean Hagerty, additional musical staging and choreography by Danielle Fusco, additional aerial choreography by Brian Ferree, aeriel rigging design by Joshua Sherer and props and projections by Ellie Engstrom. The stage managers are Jane Pole and Nicole Kuker. Casting is by Daryl Eisenberg Casting.
Performances are Thursday-Saturday at 8 PM, Monday and Tuesday at 7 PM and matinees Saturday and Sunday at 3 PM.
Tickets are $33-$99 and available online at or by calling (866) 811-4111. Lynn Redgrave Theatre is located at 45 Bleecker Street. Visit