Shankman is an Emmy-nominated director and choreographer, who directed and choreographed the film adaptations of Hairspray and Rock of Ages; episodes of "Glee" and "Modern Family"; and Prop 8: The Musical.
Hair will be presented Aug. 1-2 at 8 PM and Aug. 3 at 7:30 PM. Casting will be announced at a later date.
Hair, according to the Bowl, "defined the 'rock musical,' exuberantly celebrating the hippie counterculture, anti-war movement and sexual revolution of the 1960s with a rainbow score of hits" – including “Aquarius,” “Good Morning Starshine” and “Easy to be Hard."
Single tickets for the 2014 Hollywood Bowl season go on sale May 4 at 10 AM.
Tickets can be purchased in-person at the Hollywood Bowl box office. Five hundred wristbands will be distributed starting at 8 AM. The Hollywood Bowl parking lot will open at 7 AM.
Single tickets for the 2014 Hollywood Bowl season may also be purchased online at, or via phone at (323) 850-2000 starting May 4 at 10 AM.