In the Summer Pavilion, directed by Kathy Gail MacGowan, runs through Aug. 22 and features a cast that includes Meena Dimian, Ryan Barry and Julia Taylor Ross.
"A party at a summer house in Maine turns serious when a vulnerable young man is seduced by his two college friends, one male, the other female, into a frightening game under the influence of LSD," according to press notes. "In the Summer Pavilion hurtles him repeatedly forward in time to see multiple selves and futures, any of which could be his. The hedonism and ambiguous sexuality of their idealistic youth twist in their love triangle as they witness what is yet to come."
For more information on In the Summer Pavilion, visit
The Living Theater is located at 21 Clinton Street (half a block below Houston). For more information and tickets, call (866) 468-7619 or visit