Very little stands in your way this March, as the promise of spring brings new memories and positive additions to your life. In honor of
Women’s History Month, find out which iconic female-identifying Broadway character
matches your spirit this month.
(February 19 – March 20)
Miss Honey | Matilda
You’re building a home for yourself, Pisces, though you may not realize it. You’re seeking
comfort and stability this month. Maybe even beyond what you have known. When Venus
transits Aries in your second house of finance, you may see an unexpected boost in income that
will help you improve your space. Just like Miss Honey, you’re looking for peace and comfort at
home and this extra boost can help you achieve it. You’re insightful and good-spirited, use that
intuition to do what is right for you this month.

(March 21 – April 19)
Bea | Something Rotten!
March starts out on a productive note for you, Aries, when Mercury and Saturn go into conjunction in
your 11th house of group affiliations. You’re strong-headed this month (even more so than
usual) in your plans and with groups, seemingly unstoppable. However, be on the look-out for
potentially misleading information or those that may throw a wrench in your plans. Like Bea, you’ll be fiery and enthusiastic in your dreams but you’ll also find comfort in family harmony
when your lunar aspect favors warmth and rapport, along with straightforward communication.
Just like Bea, you’ll lead with strength but keep your loving kindness.

(April 20 – May 20)
Cinderella | Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella
Whenever Venus (your ruling planet) moves into Taurus, you spring to life and claim your power.
As Ella does, you know what you want and what you deserve. You’ll have the power to go after
it. You’ll exude charm and impeccable kindness that can go far. This self-empowerment and
confidence may even attract a potential romantic partner towards the middle of the month. Very
little feels impossible for you this month and with that drive, you can achieve almost anything—even without a Fairy Godmother.

(May 21 – June 20)
Christine Canigula | Be More Chill
When the Aries New Moon shows up in your 11th house, you’ll put a considerable amount
of attention on resources and opportunities for new work projects. As a curious and excitable
Gemini, you’ve been waiting for a thrilling new activity to come your way. Your employer could
see your strengths and give you the lead in finding ways to push new initiatives, or you might
even step into a unique creative project! Whether it's a business meeting or play rehearsal, your
enthusiasm and charm will be as contagious as Christine’s this month.

(June 21 – July 22)
Angélique | & Juliet
Cancer, you’re dreaming big in all aspects of your life this month! As Venus moves into Taurus, you’ll make new friends and step out of your shell (pun intended). You’ll start to see more opportunities for yourself in the world, whether it’s a new career, exploring new places, or simply a wardrobe change or haircut. Either way, you’re envisioning big dreams for yourself and with the New Moon in Aries, you’ll have the drive to push those changes forward.

(July 23 – August 22)
Kate Monster | Avenue Q
You may have been feeling stuck in a rut lately Leo, and that’s OK. The Aries New Moon in your ninth house of higher thinking and philosophy will allow you ample opportunity to stretch your boundaries and demonstrate your personal power. Like Kate Monster, you know your worth, though you may feel that others haven't seen it lately. You’ll be on the hunt for recognition and adventure through career development and friendship. When the Sun enters Aries, you’ll feel more stimulated with extra energy and passion for your favorite people and projects.

(August 23 – September 22)
Matron "Mama" Morton | Chicago
Money, money, money is the theme for March, Virgo! The Aries New Moon comes in hot with a few surprises in your eighth house this month, including a little boost in cash. You’re a hard-working Virgo, just like Mama Morton—doing things for others, you deserve a little reciprocity! March is bringing that for you. This month is full of surprises in the best way—like a win from a scratch-off ticket, a bonus at work, or putting a dent in paying off some debt. Either way, you’ve earned it, Virgo and you’re more than ready to relish in it.

(September 23 – October 22)
Audrey | Little Shop of Horrors
Partnership takes the spotlight this month, Libra as the Aries New Moon enters your seventh house of romantic partnerships. If you weren’t thinking about romantic prospects before, you will be now. While your head may be in the clouds for someone, this new moon will also call attention to exciting new projects, plans, and agreements with those around you. Just like Audrey, you want romance and fantasy.

(October 23 – November 21)
Effie White | Dreamgirls
Scorpio, you’re already full of passion but in March that comes alive in every aspect of your life. You may find you’re especially more passionate about a partner as Venus moves into Taurus in your seventh house of romantic partners. Lean into that passion this month to reach your goals. Like Effie White, stay tenacious and persistent in achieving what you’ve always wanted. Your work is going well and your finances may be flourishing, but you want more in the best way. Step into that passion and see what it can do for you.

(November 22 – December 21)
Ann Darrow | King Kong
Spirited Sagittarius, we’re three months into the year and you’re already ready for a shake-up! You’re getting bored with the monotonous routines of everyday tasks and you’re ready for a new project or challenge. Be sure not to get too antsy when Uranus in Taurus enters your sixth house of daily tasks. A little adventure (though maybe not going to an exotic island and befriending a giant gorilla like Ann) or a fresh project will be good for you. However, don’t look too far from the every day, as those routines may become surprisingly overwhelming.

(December 22 – January 19)
Campbell | Bring It On: The Musical
Venus in Taurus lights up your romantic and social world this month! Usually focused on your work and goals, Capricorn, this month will bring some much-needed social change. Your calendar fills up fast, with meals, movies, or concerts with close friends (old or new). You may be more inclined to spend money on a trendy haircut or a new wardrobe to make a statement as spring rolls around. This may feel like a nerve-racking change for you. But remember, you won’t lose sight of your work. Like Campbell, see this time as a moment where friendship and a little fun can amplify your success.

(January 20 – February 18)
Ti Moune | Once on This Island
Community and kindness are your unexpected focus this month, Aquarius. With the Aries New moon in your third house this March ruling your mind and intellect, you’ll feel elevated and wiser. This month will give you ample opportunity to mingle with neighbors or community members. The energy of the Spring equinox ushers in a rejuvenating spirit and an enthusiasm for those around you that you may have felt was missing. You’ll appreciate the world through new eyes, as Ti Moune does, and feel the need to bond with others.