Lionsgate continues their weekly free movie event series A Night at the Movies...Together! May 1 with a live screening of La La Land. Hosted by Jamie Lee Curtis, the event will benefit the Will Rogers Motion Pictures Pioneer Foundation, which provides financial assistance and counseling to those who work in theatrical exhibition.
The 2016 movie musical stars Emma Stone as Mia, a struggling actor, and Ryan Gosling as Sebastian, a working musician who craves more artistry. Directed by Damian Chazelle, who won the Oscar for his direction, the movie features songs with music by Justin Hurwitz and lyrics by Dear Evan Hansen’s Benj Pasek and Justin Paul; the three won the Oscar for Best Original Song for the movie's simple yet haunting “City of Stars.”
Though it was infamously announced as the Best Picture winner, La La Land did not win Best Picture, though it did take home six Oscars that evening, including one for Stone.
The screening and star-studded celebration begins 9PM ET. Audiences can even order their movie theatre snacks ahead of time from Popcornopolis and Snack Nation. Click here to tune in May 1 at 9PM ET.