The story follows Marjorie, an 85-year-old woman residing in an assisted living facility, who discovers that her memory is failing. She spends her days in the company of her daughter and son-in-law. Deadline reports that Hamm is set to play the role of Walter, the memory of Marjorie's deceased husband, who arrives on the scene as a stranger hoping to reverse her decline. According to the news report, the film adaptation will be written and directed by Michael Almereyda, who made the Shakespeare-inspired films "Cymbeline" and "Hamlet," both starring Ethan Hawke.
The film is being produced by BB Film Productions, with production set to begin in October.
Hamm's other film credits include "The Town" and "Minions." In addition to the long-running and popular "Mad Men," his screen credits also include "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp," "Parks and Recreation" and "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt."