In a press statement, Stephen Daldry – director of both the original film and this subsequent musical version – commented, "Billy Elliot's journey has been extraordinary. I still remember well our first day on the set of the film almost 16 years ago. It’s incredible to think that next year we will celebrate 10 years of the show in London and that it has been performed to so many millions across five continents. We are thrilled to be sharing this special performance with audiences around the world."
Book writer Lee Hall, who also scripted the original film, commented, “It will be great to see Billy Elliot achieve another milestone at what is set to be an amazing event. At our home in the West End we usually perform to an audience of 1,500. It is wonderful to think that this special performance will be seen by people in their local cinemas across many countries. This next chapter will be particularly poignant for us as Billy will briefly be returning to his beginnings on the cinema screen."
Composer Elton John added, "Billy Elliot has always had a very special place in my heart and being involved in the musical has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Broadcasting the show live to cinemas is a new venture for all of us and will make for a very special event. It’s going to be a thrilling day for everyone at our home at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London and we hope cinema audiences will be as excited as we are to see Billy Elliot the Musical brought to life for the first time on screen."
The show, which recently celebrated its ninth birthday in the West End, currently stars Ruthie Henshall as Billy's dance teacher Mrs. Wilkinson, with Matteo Zecca, Mitchell Tobin, Bradley Perret and Elliott Hanna rotating in the title role. Also in the current cast are Deka Walmsley as Billy’s dad Jackie, Ann Emery as Grandma and Chris Grahamson as Billy’s brother, Tony.
For details on the cinema screenings, visit www.BillyElliotLive.co.uk. To book tickets for the show at the Victoria Palace Theatre, contact the box office on 0844 248 5000 or visit www.billyelliotthemusical.com.