Directed by Michael Bush, Bikeman features Robert Cuccioli (Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark) as Tom with Irungu Mutu, Angela Pierce, Elizabeth Ramos and Richard Topol.
Bikeman, according to press notes, "is a recounting of one man's experience of that unforgettable day and chronicles the morning of September 11, 2001 through the eyes of a veteran journalist reporting live from the shadows of the Twin Towers.Tom, an award-winning writer and producer for The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, was outside his Greenwich Village home when the first plane flew directly over his head. Tom immediately called into the news desk to tell them he was headed downtown. He jumped on his bicycle and began his ride to the towers. His harrowing story recounts his transition from reporter to participant as he battles for survival at the fall of the south tower, ultimately coming to terms with the events of the day."
"Every human being in the world alive on that day experienced September 11. It was the most watched event in the history of the earth. For them, it will always be a searing memory. I believe this is everyone's story," added author Flynn in an earlier statement.
Other members of the creative team include set designer James Noone, costume designer Karen Ledger, lighting designer Kevin Adams, sound designer Sam Kusnetz and projection designer Darrel Maloney. Original music is by Jonathan Brielle.
The producers of Bikeman support the National September 11 Memorial & Museum by donating a portion of ticket sales.
The BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center is located at 199 Chambers Street. For more information and tickets, call (212) 220-1460 or visit