Following the unexpected cancellation of the Chicago Neo-Futurists’ long-running show Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, by the group’s founder Greg Allen earlier this month, the Neo-Futurists ensembles in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco have announced a three-company collaboration—the three groups will launch a new production that will still be in the same spirit as Too Much Light.
According to a statement from the New York Neo-Futurists, the new production, which is yet to be titled, will maintain NYNF’s regular Friday and Saturday late-night schedule. It will be in the same experimental spirit as the original show, in which 30 plays are performed in 60 minutes.
The announcement of a new show comes after the November 30 release that the trademark license for Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind at the Chicago company—where it premiered 28 years ago—would not be renewed. The release was penned by Allen, the creator of the show, with the statement that he wished to re-brand the production with a more overt political mission.
The Neo-Futurists were surprised by Allen’s announcement, as Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind has gained a solid following in Chicago, San Francisco, and New York, where it launched 12 years ago. Ensemble members in all three cities have begun to work with one another on the title of the replacement show and future developments.
The final performances of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind in New York will be December 16 and 17 at 10:30 PM at the Kraine Theater, located at 85 E. 4th St., New York.
“We’re excited to move forward with our sister companies in San Francisco and Chicago. Our companies have increasingly shared tours and exchanges within Too Much Light, and in this collaborative spirit, our Ensemble is thrilled to forge ahead with Neo-Futurists all over the country,” commented NYNF Board President Bradley Rolston in a press statement.