A (Funny) Imagination!, a new one-act based on the characters from the animated Nickelodeon series Doug, will be part of the New York Theater Festival's 2020 Winterfest.
Kevin Ray Johnson's unauthorized parody will feature Michael Coale Grey as Dee, Grace Andrade Bowen as Tricia, LeVane Harrington as EmVee, Frank Ruiz as Rog, Rachael Henry Johnson as Dee's Sister, and Mallory Campbell as Constance and others. Playwright Johnson also directs. The stage manager is Emily Yarmey.
The one-act follows Dee as he reunites 10 years after graduating high school with Tricia and EmVee to discuss unresolved issues from the past that altered their relationship. Dee recalls the events that led him to the point of where he now is physically, socially, and mentally.
Johnson's other plays include The Unpredictable Times, The Next Day, and A Week in the Life of Norah Andrews.
Performances will run February 27–March 1. For ticket information, click here.