Billed as a modern-day retelling of a classic story, Wonderland follows a woman, Alice, living in current-day New York City, juggling a failing marriage, motherhood, and intense work environment to the point of challenging her own sense of identity. In a dream, she aligns herself with the famed Alice of Alice in Wonderland, hilariously skewing reality, meanwhile working through obstacles of unexpected characters: a Cheshire Cat with a Latin flair, a delightfully dotty Queen of Hearts, and of course, a malicious Mad Hatter. Alice finds a new sense of balance and strength within herself, as she realizes the power of true love.
Astaire Awards | |||
2011 | Outstanding Choreographer in a Broadway Show | Nominee |
Week Ending | Week Number | This Week Gross Potential Gross | Diff $ | Avg Ticket Top Ticket | Seats Sold Seats in Theatre | Perfs Previews | % Cap This Week | Diff % cap |
May 15, 2011 | 51 | $432,267.00 $1,432,024.00 | -$79,179.00 | $42.53 $200.00 | 10,165 1,612 | 8 0 | 78.82% | 11.06% |
May 8, 2011 | 50 | $511,446.00 $1,432,024.00 | -$58,396.00 | $58.53 $200.00 | 8,738 1,612 | 8 0 | 67.76% | -5.84% |
May 1, 2011 | 49 | $569,842.00 $1,432,024.00 | -$330,584.00 | $60.03 $200.00 | 9,492 1,612 | 8 0 | 73.60% | -22.58% |
Apr 24, 2011 | 48 | $900,426.00 $1,432,024.00 | $429,620.00 | $72.60 $200.00 | 12,403 1,612 | 8 0 | 96.18% | 5.01% |
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