Exploring the magical fantasy world of childhood and the transformative power of imagination, My Neighbour Totoro follows one extraordinary summer in the lives of sisters Satsuki and Mei as they are swept up in exciting adventures with their new neighbours – transported to a long-forgotten realm of spirits, sprites, and natural wonder.
Directed by Phelim McDermott
Production Design by Tom Pye
Costume Design by Kimie Nakano
Lighting Design by Jessica Hung Han Yun
Puppet Design by Basil Twist
Cast Includes Haruka Abe, Li-Leng Au, Boaz Chad, Nino Furuhata, Andrew Futaishi, Zachary Hing, Susan Momoko Hingley, Yojiro Ichikawa, Arina Ii, Haruka Kuroda, Marian Lee, Matthew Leonhart, Mei Mac, Aki Nakagawa, Kanako Nakano, Ami Okumura Jones, Michael Phong Le, Tobi Poster-Su, Si Rawlinson, Dai Tabuchi, Jacqueline Tate, Shaofan Wilson
Tickets from £10