Damn Yankees (Regional, Shaw Festival, Festival Theatre, 2022) | Playbill

Damn Yankees



Joe Boyd is an out of shape, middle-aged man who has the misfortune to be a Washington Senators fan. One deal with the devil later, he is Joe Hardy, a young ball player with a knack for hitting home runs. Can he help his favourite team finally beat the powerhouse New York Yankees? The final score: a delightful, fast-paced, crowd-pleasing, romantic musical.

Directed by Brian Hill

Music Direction by Paul Sportelli
Choreography by Allison Plamondon

Featuring Andrew Broderick, Shane Carty, James Daly, Peter Fernandes, JJ Gerber, Elodie Gillett, Patty Jamieson, Gabrielle Jones, Graeme Kitagawa, Caitlyn MacInnis, Allison McCaughey, Kevin McLachlan, Mike Nadajewski, Drew Plummer, Kimberley Rampersad, Alana Randall, David Andrew Reid, Ric Reid, Olivia Sinclair-Brisbane, Tarian Teelucksingh, Jacqueline Thair, Jay Turvey, Kelly Wong


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