Starting the morning off enjoying a yummy breakfast with my handsome fiance! His: waffles with peanut butter and fruit on top. Hers: oatmeal with fruit mixed in and a huge glob of peanut butter on top. I could eat a whole jar...
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Walking a half mile to the subway station. At least it's beautiful here in the historic district of Jackson Heights! A tree? Yes, please!
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The E train came pretty quick! MTA, I like you... today :)
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Arriving at the lovely Nederlander Theatre! It still gives me goosebumps.
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Nelson and Brian greet us everyday at the theater and open the door for us. Such gentlemen!
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Why hello, Jack and Bres! Everyday we walk through this famous alley to get to the stage door. If you squint...a lot... you can see signatures of all the people involved in shows prior to ours. So much history in this theater!
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We walk in and greet Joe, our doorman, who keeps us safe from invaders.
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The sign-in sheet! If you don't sign in, Thom Gates (our stage manager) will call you out at the Half Hour announcement and embarrass you... just sayin. I've been there and I am still blushing :)
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Our wonderful stage management team! They seriously rock. Thom, Tim and Bryan. Our only girl ASM, Becky, was out this afternoon, but she and I stick together. Ya gotta in a theater filled with boys!
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I walk up to the dressing room and find a party has already began! Capathia and I love visitors.... We have some good laughs!
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Ok, time to get down to business. Getting my stretch on while chatting it up with Capathia. She puts up with me rollin' around all over that floor. Gotta try and keep up with my Newsies boys! TRY, being the key word
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Rushing to make my skin less transparent. The rouge is key!
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Down in the wig department with these awesome gals! This is when we have approximately 7 minutes of girl time. Giggles, pink, puppies, cupcakes... mmmmm cupcakes
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And the wig is on! Ahhhhhhh..... Though, the bald wig cap head is pretty sexy.
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On my way back up to my dressing room I pass Mark Hummel, our handsome music director, getting dolled up in his luxury dressing room. This man has brought in furniture, painted, decorated, etc. I asked if I could pay him rent and live there.
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Our two little guys that share the role of Les prepare for the show by playing on their iPads. I want a dang iPad! Maybe they can teach me how to use it?
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John Dossett and I have a love/ hate relationship. You know why if you've seen the show. Crazy Pulitzer!
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At the 5-minute call, Ephraim leads us in a prayer circle to get us all ready and centered before the show. He is an amazing leader!
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This is weird, but every day I punch Brady in the fake padded stomach for good luck. Its just so squishy and I can't help myself.
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Sister Capathia Jenkins wishing me a good show as she heads down to the stage...
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Ben and I dance to "Carrying the Banner" every so often as he heads down for his entrance. Davey has some serious moves.
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This would be intermission, directly after "Seize the Day" and the fight.... they don't look sweaty or tired at all, right? Oh, so you guys wanna run it again? Ok, sweet.
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I caught these two in our dressing room looking suspicious. Intermission= fuel time. Good thing Capathia and I have a huge candy station to keep our visitors energized!
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THE Jeremy Jordan arriving at his dressing room next door after belting his face off in "Santa Fe" and running around the stage. He looks like he needs to work a little harder. Stop marking, Jeremy.
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My awesome dresser, Jenny, getting me into the "King of New York" costume. Time to tap it out with my Newsies! Always crossing my fingers that I don't slip and fall on my butt. I am a bit of a klutz.
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After the show we generally go outside and meet the fans (fansies) to sign autographs. We have the best fans ever! Crutchie is such a star... look at that adorable face!
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Dinner in Bryant Park with some Newsies. Got me a hearty salad from Chop't filled with turkey, avocado, cheese, veggies, and white balsamic dressing. So healthy....for now. There are always sweets at the theater so I have to cancel it out.
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Then this happened... The look on Ben's face reflects mine behind the camera. The Newsies never cease to amaze me.
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Ben and Garett digest their food by taking a little walk.... on their hands. I wanna try!
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Yeah maybe not. Laurie and I got nothin'. We watch and applaud the insane brilliance that is our Newsies!
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This little guy thought we were pretty cool and wanted to come play too! Ugh, had to take a picture of him because he was so darn cute!
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Coffee time!!! Matt is wonderful and gets my iced coffee prepared nicely every two show day. The amount of money I have spent on Starbucks... Boy is it worth every cent!
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Walking into the theater, we pass the merchandise folks setting up for the second show! Love them! Look at all that merch!
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Cassie gets our mics ready so that we are sounding loud and clear! Look at all those knobs and buttons.... I just wanna press 'em all!
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Between shows, Jeremy likes to play video games in his dressing room. This is his 12-year-old way of decompressing and relaxing. Check out some of the gadgets on his shelf! Love it!
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The boys head up to their dressing room refueled, reenergized, and ready for round two!
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Hollywood arrives back at the dressing room. Best dressing roommate award goes to? Capathia Jenkins! Her laugh is contagious. "Wowza!"
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Our crew plays poker almost every single day before the show. Sometimes I take the pile of money in the center of the table just to freak em out for a second. Hehe.
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Kyle is our expert napper. When we were at Paper Mill he would nap in the backseat of the van. That backseat makes for a VERY bumpy ride. But Kyle managed to get some shut eye!
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Laurie napping on her dressing room floor...
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Jess napping on stage with ear buds in and a foot up his back? I guess when you are jumping around and dancing for 2 and half hours, THIS is comfortable.
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Wandering up to the boys dressing room to say hello and I see this? Sometimes the older men in our cast get jealous of the attention that our Newsies get.
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Evan proves that he is strong enough to take all the "Oldsies" at once! No, this is not fake, he is really supporting all his weight sideways on a pole. WHAT?!
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Andy, our diligent student, does homework between shows to get that A+ report card!
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CAUGHT! No, Thayne, that is Julie's birthday have to wait. "But just one taste of frosting?"
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Jack attempts to do my pin curls for me. "Yeah good job, Jack!" (I'll fix it later)
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The birthday girl!!! Julie Foldesi! Whenever there is a birthday in the cast, we celebrate at half hour with cake and candles and LOUD singing! That's how we show the love.
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Steven, our conductor this evening, and Mark, our music director, striking a very musician-like pose. Those are piano fingers!
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Getting into character before the places call. Yeah, they look like Newsies to me!
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When Jeremy came on for his final bow, the exuberance with which he entered brought him quickly to the floor in a "sliding into home base" type fashion. How did that feel Jeremy?! He's a good sport:)
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Capathia and I say "peace out" to our lovely dressing room. This two-show day is done!
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Jeremy Jordan signing autographs after the show. Look at those little faces! So adorable!
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Finally on the train back to Jackson Heights with my Kevin. Attempting to keep our eyes open for the journey home. What a fun day! Night night, Playbill!
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