Good morning! Wake up for a two show Thursday!
Todd Buonopane
Wait a minute! 2 show THURSDAY?!?! Yup, at Cinderella we do 2 show Thursdays!
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It takes a lot of work to look this mediocre
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Good enough
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I take the 7 train every day. Jealous???
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a li'l sex advice for my subway ride
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Lunch at one of my favorite places
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Georgio's is the BEST!
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Catching up with a good friend over lunch. The handsome Tralen Doler!
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The Broadway Theatre!
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My photo outside the theater. I call that look "smiling while farting"
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Sign in sheet
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My dressing room. Yup, that 5 means the FIFTH FLOOR!
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My loved ones that decorate my dressing room!
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More loved ones
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Elaine & Bernadette. Polaroids from the opening night of Spelling Bee. (This was the Thursday that the great Elaine Stritch passed away. She was one-of-a-kind! We will love her forever!)
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My air conditioner (AKA my best friend)
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I have an unhealthy love for my A/C. If you had been in my HOT dressing room, you'd love it too!
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Todd's hair
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Jean-Michel's hair (See the difference?)
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Nathan gets ready to play Lord Pinkleton (Super Understudy!)
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Glass slippers anyone?
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HERB!!! The best dresser on Broadway!
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While Conor murders Peter, Andy pukes in his hat. (I don't get it either)
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Page Boys gotta stretch! (aka Kendal & Kaitlyn)
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Joe (Prince) and I warm up with a mirroring exercise
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Can you tell who's leading? We can't! (FYI, we don't really do this)
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Maestro Matt Perri
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Leslie gets photo bombed by Vicki Clark
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Our Cinderella, Paige, gives her approval to the men onstage!
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Mom & daughters! Nancy, Steph and Ann. I work with the best people!
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Claire in the hair room!
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Callan does a great split!
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And then regrets it
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Clair & Shari in hair! They are the cutest!
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I act in the basement. The audience can't see me, but I'm giving full face!
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Cody is so excited after he finds out the Prince is giving a ball!
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Connor can't wait to change for the ball!
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Kaitlyn is a pretty butterfly!
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Jill really needs that mask to be straight!
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Adam & Laura can't help but be adorable!
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Stephanie and Peter were supposed to take a sexy pic. She didn't get the assignment.
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Now she gets it!
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Shina sings her "Impossible" ooooohs!
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Laura also looks adorable upside-down!
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Stephanie explores her dark side!
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Linda & Kaitlyn make a video for Jeff Pew's birthday
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Stephanie wears very pink lipstick. After our love scene, we're both covered in pink!
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Vicki's good side!
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That side is good, too!
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Vicki doesn't have a bad side!
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My good friend Laura Jordan and her daughter gorgeous daughter Audrey after the matinee. We were Audrey's first Broadway show!
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My favorite between-show dinner spot!
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Healthy dinner
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Between show nap
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The acupressure mat that I nap on. (Linda recommended it. And it's the best!)
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I need my vitamins after my nap, so I visit my shelf of health and chocolate shoes!
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Gotta learn a song for for Broadway Stands Up For Freedom concert! So many words!!!
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Ooooooh, got my low-cut shirt for the night show!
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The best stage management team! (Ira, Zac, Jen and Amy)
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Branch finds his best audience!
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Joe is also on the fifth floor & by show #2 the stairs become too much for our Prince.
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Remember how happy Cody was at about the ball at the matinee? Not so happy for show #2
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Steph found the candy corner
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Richard and Oscar watching over us backstage
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Zac, doing the "go's"
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Zac takes a break from calling the show to cuddle with Steph and Cody
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Laura wears a guilty smile while doing something suspicious at the call desk.
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Kendal murders Kaitlyn while Conor looks on lovingly. (Conor is in all of today's violent photos. Just sayin')
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Nancy is reallllly nice offstage! I promise!
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Paige goes back to peasant to try on the slipper!
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It's hard to get pictures of Cinderella when she's onstage all the time!
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Joe makes his final climb to the 5th floor.
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My great mentor and teacher Michael Larsen saw me in the show tonight. Then we chatted far too long in a diner. Love him!!!!
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I listen to my favorite podcast on the way home! Goodnight Playbill!
Todd Buonopane