It's the first day of school! So excited to start this journey!
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First company meet and greet!
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Our fearless leaders are ready to go!
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Guys I can't handle the cuteness of our Sunny (Sandy)!
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Our first table read!!!
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Official Tour Credentials!
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A rehearsal essential ...spelling was not their strong point...
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Ashley Edler and I show the kids how it's DONE. Giving you rehearsal outfits!
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The man himself Martin Charnin showing Ashley Edler (Grace) exactly how its done.
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My amazing mic for Bert Healy!!
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Legendary Broadway beauty Shelly Burch showing our Boylan sisters how to nail their entrance.
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Lilly Mae Stewart ( Molly ) showing us just how talented she is.
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Time for a fitting at the amazing Giliberto studios!
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My costume sketch for Bert Healy! AHHHH
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I see my shoes!
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Sunny (Sandy) relaxes on break.
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Martin Charnin, Charles Strouse and his wife observe our first run thru.
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Rehearsals are done and it's time to hit the road. All packed and ready to go!
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Our first bus!
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Adia Gant (Pepper) riding in STYLE!
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Our first hotel. The historic (and haunted) hotel Utica!
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The lobby of our historic hotel...not too shabby!
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Our first theatre the beautiful Stanley in Utica, NY!
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We are loaded in and reading for tech.
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First day of tech...yes I hear you.
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A quick selfie amongst the madness of tech.
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Martin sporting his lion hoodie and showing our Sandys: Sunny & Macy some love during tech.
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Snook up to the balcony for a peek at our NYC set by the amazing Beowulf Boritt.
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Our orchestra rehearsing for opening!
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Our FIRST MARQUEE at the beautiful Stanley Theatre in Utica NY.
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Our show poster!
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Mens dressing room!
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Its opening night!!!!!
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The mens dressing room is pumped for opening!
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The Cast of Sister Act sent us an opening night card signed by their entire cast!
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Opening Night Jackets from Troika!
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Opening Night flowers from our amazing company Troika! Thanks Guys!
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Snagged a quick pic with our beautiful ensemble ladies...and Todd.
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Shelly Burch giving the ensemble ladies last minute love before curtain.
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Martin and his wife Shelly Burch backstage spreading words of wisdom to the cast before curtain. Lynn Andrews couldn't resist a sensible pout.
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Our orphans are ready to shine!
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Ladies and Gentleman I give you THE JUGGERNAUTS. #characteractors
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Our incredible choreographer Liza Gennaro. LOVE LOVE LOVE HER!
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Dog trainer extraordinaire Bill Berloni and Sunny who plays Sandy. She is always ready for a picture.
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The star of our show pauses for a moment for a quick pic with me at our opening party.
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Dustin Harder, Jake Mills, and I are keeping it classy at our opening night party in Utica NY.
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Our incredible director Martin Charnin and I at our opening night party. I love this man!
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Exploring Utica.
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Ran into Bowdie the dog who played Nana on Peter Pan Live! Our dog trainer Bill Berloni trained our Sandys and had this big guy in training during our tech.
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Dustin Harder our handsome dog trainer and I giving you bowling realness.
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Garrett Deagon (Rooster) gives me advice on taking the perfect headshot. Isn't he handsome..
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Because while traveling I need as many snoopys as possible...one has had a little to much TLC
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The LEGENDARY and GENIUS Thomas Meehan and I having a bite to eat after a show. Me: "Tom are you Camera Ready?" Tom: "I'm always Camera Ready." AND SCENE
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I got a surprise visit from my besties in Utica! Brandon James Gwinn and Hannah Rose Deflumeri always know how to turn the party.
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And we are off to our next city DETROIT! On Travel days Meghan Seaman and I always like to look our best.
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Cast member Lucy Werner travels in style wherever she goes.
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And we have arrived at the FISHER THEATRE in Detroit!
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Lynn Andrews and I spotted this Annie in the lobby ...we totally fan girled her.
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Just muggin in the lobby of the Fisher Theatre trying to remain incognito.
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So excited to explore Greenfield village in Detroit!
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Pumpkins! It is officially fall in Detroit.
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One of the many historic buildings in the Greenfield Village.
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Ashley Edler and I enjoying the beautiful fall leaves.
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Cast member Jake Mills was very enthused about riding the carousel.
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Can I just move in here please?!?!
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Ashley Edler and I got caught cowin around in the barn.
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Exploring the Ford Museum in Michigan. The hottest dog around.
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Up next is the Broward Center in beautiful Fort Lauderdale. GIVE ME THE SUN!!!
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A welcome bouquet of cookies ... I think YES!
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Lynn Andrews likes to leave self portraits on my dressing room mirror. How thoughtful.
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Enjoying the beautiful weather in Florida. Sorry NYC not missin you at ALL.
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Ashley Edler, Lily Smith, Chloe Horner, and I on the way to Jet Ski!
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And we are OFF!
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The orphans and I before a Q&A with local educators in the Florida area.
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While some cast members are soaking up the sun in Jacksonville, others like to work on there racing skills. Outcome: I swam straight into the wall.
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Amy Burgmaier is serving pin curl hair REALNESS after a long two show day!
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Lynn Andrews and I do a little shopping. Conclusion: We did not ask about the 5 dollar wig.
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Guys these Florida skyss are giving me ALL THE LIFE!
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Trying to stay in shape on the road is no easy task. Trying to keep up with Meghan Seaman in the Gym is my worst nightmare. #characteractorproblems
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Evan Mayer, Meghan Seaman, and I had the privilege of teaching these talented kids at the Laville School of Performing Arts while in Jacksonville Florida. These kids were ready leotards and all.
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Introducing the girls to their first waffle house. "So wait do they just serve waffles"....
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Our Marquee in Pittsburgh!
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And we are here. The beautiful Benedum Center in Pittsburgh!
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Our cast took a trip to some pumpkin patches and got pumpkins for a pumpkin carving contest. Traveling by hayride is the only way to go.
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Lucy Werner is REAL excited about the hay ride!
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The entries for our pumpkin carving contest. Personal favs were the Beyonce pumpkin and the pumpkin eating the orphan.
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My entry for our cast pumpkin carving contest. I WON. I never win anything so naturally I was excited.
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Giving you FACE at the Annie Halloween Party. I'm a mouse...duh.
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First Violin Eugene Kaler brought a date to our cast Halloween Party. He danced with her all night....No really....he did.
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We CONQUERED the famous Primanti Brothers in Pittsburgh.
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Could you handle it?
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While in Pittsburgh it was Annie's Birthday! Naturally we got a cake.
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Next up BOSTON. Here is our marquee at the Wang Theatre!
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Spotted us on a taxi. Boston we have ARRIVED!
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The ONLY thing that is keeping this hair on point. A Southern boys essential. AQUA NET
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I couldn't have asked for a better dresser at the Wang. Karen has been dressing actors in Boston since she was 13! From Nell Carter to Goldie Hawn she has seen them all. What a legacy!
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Lynn Andrews (Miss Hannigan) and I spill a little T during intermission.
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Next City is CHICAGO. This luggage never gets lighter. Doesnt everyone carry a hat box on tour?
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The woman in front of us said "Y'all look like you could use a cocktail" We gladly obliged. DRINK TICKETS ALL AROUND. This plane ride just got a lot better.
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The Cadillac Palace theatre in Chicago is ready for us!
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Broadway in Chicago and Magnolia Bakery made us Annie themed cupckes for opening!
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Sometimes I come home after the show to find a spa in my bathroom. Chloe Tiso and Lucy Werner are always serving... well... a look.
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Enjoying some Gluhwein at the festive Christkindl Market in Chicago.
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Chicago's Macys is decked out for the holidays!
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When they said it was cold in Chicago I didn't realize it was THAT cold.
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Exploring downtown. The famous Bean in CHICAGO!
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My bestie and Motown cast member Jaquez Sims came to see me in his hometown of Chicago. Our Sandys requested a pic with this broadway beauty.
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So lucky to spend Thanksgiving with this guy!
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The table is set ! Ready to dig in !
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I couldn't fit another thing on this plate. My grandma would approve.
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Our orphans build forts on travel days. I was one of the lucky few to be invited inside the exclusive club.
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The inside of the bus fort. Guys I have electricity and glowing pillow. I'm never leaving.
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Issie Swickle (Annie) insists on being carried when traveling. A diva after my own heart.
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We have arrived at the FABULOUS FOX THEATRE in St. Louis!
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Just one of the signatures on the walls of the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Mariah I will be adding in a whistle tone in the finale chorus of "Tomorrow" just for you.
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Spotted one of my besties Allison Semmes star of the Motown tour.
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This talented lady is from my hometown so naturally I snapped a pic. Sutton Foster on the legendary walls of the Fabulous Fox Theatre!
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Cast members Angela Palladini and Jake Mills
take a quick photo at the stage door with our adorable orphans.
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We took a day trip to the Citi Museum in St. Louis... basically a jungle gym for adults.
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Cast member Lucy Werner can't contain her excitement.
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Hanging around the Citi museum in St. Louis
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While crawling through the tunnels I thought to myself...wait what if I get stuck.
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Lily Smith , Meghan Seaman, Chloe Tiso and I roasting marshmallows at Citi Museum in St. Louis.
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When they said museum I didn't realize THIS is what was on display....
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The worlds largest pencil...but where is the sharpener?
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One final look. Until next time Fabulous Fox. Next stop is Durham NC.
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Durham NC is nailing it with the street art.
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After an opening night party climbing waterfalls after a few glasses of wine just seemed like the right decision. Pictures never lie.
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Garrett Deagon and I explore the nightlife of Durham. The club was closed so the next best thing was a street photo shoot.
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"Hey guys lets all do face masks and take a picture I'm sure it will turn out great.... "
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I had the privilege of teaching a masterclass at Jordan High while we were in Durham. These kids could SING!!!!
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Guys meet my MAMA! She and the whole family of 20 something came to see our show in Durham NC!
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My family got the royal treatment at our show in Durham NC. So glad they could come!
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One of the many incredible wall tags by our cast member Amy Burgmaier. This one is NEWSIES themed.
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Oh ya know just a typical travel day. Got the essentials and ready to role.
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So excited for our last stop before break. LANSING MICHIGAN at the beautiful Michigan State. Please take note of the seating...hope no one has to get up to go to the bathroom...
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I am DEFINETLY ready for the holiday season!
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Issie Swickle (Annie) and our conductor Keith Levenson spread some love during the Hannakauh season.
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Our crew keeping it festive this season.
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Issie Swickle (Annie) spreads holiday cheer by giving out gift cards to the cast! HELLO H&M!
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Awkward family photos at the Ugly Sweater Christmas party.
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Angela Palladini and I got Christmas Crowns!
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Macy (Sunny) keeps me company while I sip my wine. Can you handle the cuteness?!?!? Please take note she brought her bones to the party.
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Garrett Deagon and I always keep it creative in the dressing room! Arts and Crafts are a must!
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Jacuzzi shenanigans with Chloe Tiso and Evan Mayer. Chloe may be the most photogenic person I have ever met. Season 657 of Americas next top model WATCH OUT!
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My secret santa Garrett Deagon...I HAD NO CLUE!
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I feel like my secret santa really nailed it...what else could you wish for.
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Our conductor Keith Levenson was presented this lighter after he conducted his 2000th performance of Annie. In his own words " I am incredibly touched and mortified all at the same time" .
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Its the LAST SIGN IN...ITS THE BOOM SPLAT...wait I'm in the wrong story....
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Our orphans are excited for our last show!
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One more act and we are DONE.
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Cast members having a celebratory glass and or glasses of wine.
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One final cup of "tea" to celebrate our last show before break.
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One final pic before we leave for break! See ya in the new year!
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