Charlie's dressing table (Jack Costello - Charlie - in reflection)
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
The door to the children's room.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Meet Jack Costello (Charlie), Jay Heyman (Mike), Jenson Steele (Augustus), Tia Noakes (Veruca) and Adrianna Bertola (Violet)
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jack Costello (Charlie) in make-up.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
The cast convenes in the vocal warm-up room.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jenson Steele (Augustus Gloop) in make-up.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Physical warm-up in the ballet room.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
The costume rail in the children's room.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jack Costello (Charlie) playing some pool backstage.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jack is quite the pool shark.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jay Heyman (Mike Teavee) does a jigsaw with a chaperone.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jay Heyman (Mike Teavee) having his hair done.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Jenson Steele (Augustus), Tia Noakes (Veruca), Jay Heyman (Mike) and Adrianna Bertola (Violet) ready to go on.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
The children and their parents about to make their entrance through the audience for the factory gates scene.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Tia Noakes (Veruca) walks into the wings.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Dinner between shows!
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
School is in session. Some of the kids studying backstage.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
The children do a jigsaw between shows.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Tom Klenerman's (Charlie) costume box.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Tom Klenerman (Charlie) in make-up.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Tom Klenerman (Charlie) backstage.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Tom Klenerman (Charlie) ready to go!
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Tia Noakes (Veruca), Tom Klenerman (Charlie), Adrianna Bertola (Violet), Jay Heyman (Mike) and Jenson Steele (Augustus) backstage.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
Various members of the cast backstage pre-show.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
We've got a Golden Ticket!
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman
In the wings with an Oompa Loompa immediately after the show.
Jack Costello and Tom Klenerman