Good Morning bunions, glad to see you're still there. Happy two show Saturday!
Meg Gillentine
Since Mother Courage is a play that is set during a time of famine, plague and many other horrible things, I treat myself to the opposite at home and stuff my face.
Meg Gillentine
Nothing starts my morning off better than a Skype session my two loves! Oh, how I miss thee!
Meg Gillentine
My commute to work. On most days I walk both ways barefoot in the snow to see how Yvette must have suffered during the winter months.
Meg Gillentine
Kristen our trusty ASM. She keeps the wagon organized, God bless her. Without a doubt she is always right here at this spot when I first walk in the door. She also has to handle the dead chicken. #gross
Meg Gillentine
My loyal dance partner, Dan (pronounced Don). By loyal I mean I can always count on him to love on me, throw me, use me, slap me and then leave me on stage. #PoorYvette
Meg Gillentine
Smile, you're on Playbill.com you guys! This is gonna be fun.
Meg Gillentine
Here we go! My last moment of peace until...
Meg Gillentine
ERIN WEAVER walks into the room. My awesome roomy Erin. We both have babies, we both have husbands. Be warned, all we talk about are our babies and husbands.
Meg Gillentine
Romancing the Stone #KathleenTurner
Meg Gillentine
It's hard keeping Nicholas Rodriguez in line. We leave that to Kathleen.
Meg Gillentine
Fight call. AKA "You better put your %$@* sword in the right place!"
Meg Gillentine
Dan (Don) and John Leslie showing off their fancy form.
Meg Gillentine
Warming up. I require Monalisa to play while I warm up, it's in my contract. #Diva
Meg Gillentine
Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing James Konicek, the sexiest voice in the building and that's saying something.
Meg Gillentine
Our fabulous stage manager Kurt Hall. AKA Yvette's understudy.
Meg Gillentine
Kathleen can always count on Erin and Nehal to be there at places. Nicholas? Not so much.
Meg Gillentine
Rick Foucheux, our divine Chaplain and Tuba player. Book him for your next wedding. #greatsavings
Meg Gillentine
Hmm…should have gone with yogurt and chia seeds this morning. oops
Meg Gillentine
Transformation into Yvette is now complete. Thanks Vincent for my gorgeous hair.
Meg Gillentine
“Hey Billy Porter, you’re not the only girl that gets to wear RED BOOTS!" #thanksladuca
Meg Gillentine
Nehal Joshi showing off his six pack. #hot
Meg Gillentine
"Oh come on Lise, it's just jelly."
Meg Gillentine
Whatcha readin Jack Willis?
Meg Gillentine
More dirt Rick, lots more dirt. P.S. I think you’re sexier than Michael Douglas.
Meg Gillentine
Must reapply lips for Yvette’s BIG return
Meg Gillentine
Our very own Mother Courage cowboy. He's there for all of my exits offstage. #alsoinmycontract
Meg Gillentine
I guess that's what happens to you after they throw ya on the fire! #mydinnerdate
Meg Gillentine
Back for round two. Isn't she pretty!
Meg Gillentine
I'm in a play with Kathleen Turner y'all! #pinchme
Meg Gillentine
Our trusty music coordinator Nathan. He's the best!
Meg Gillentine
Monalisa, our newest Equity member! We are so proud!
Meg Gillentine
This is how I warm up for the second show. Nathan, Jed, Monalisa and a little bit of Dan (Don) play for me while I find young Yvette. I like to relive what it must have felt like the first night at camp before everything went south. #thisisalsoinmycontra
Meg Gillentine
My AEA cot. Monalisa look what you have to look forward to! The luxury of coming on stage 25 minutes into the play, I can get a little snooze.
Meg Gillentine
Halle Dollar Saxony Saturday! Hope you win John Walters!
Meg Gillentine
Love, love, love the costume shop at Arena Stage. Yes, that is a chainmail custom made jacket! Way to go Joe and Steven! #ilovemyjob
Meg Gillentine
"I've just heard, there's Catholics arriving!"
Meg Gillentine
Best caption wins a ticket to the show! Tweet me @meggillentine
Meg Gillentine
Jacobi Howard prepares for Act 2!
Meg Gillentine
Marne…she's always there for all of my weird mishaps! Including me ripping my thumb nail off while wearing leather gloves. #howisthatpossible
Meg Gillentine
This lady is unstoppable and I love her #KathleenTurner
Meg Gillentine
"Raise your hand if you’re sure!" Rayanne and Monalisa prepare for Act 2 with jumping jacks!
Meg Gillentine
I still to this day have to check and make sure I don't enter from the wrong vom. #blondmuch
Meg Gillentine
Jesse Terrill... he plays a saw in the show. That's right, a saw.
Meg Gillentine
That's what friends are for. Rayanne's Saturday lice check. She is method.
Meg Gillentine
That's a wrap! Great two show day with my Mother Courage family! #blessed
Meg Gillentine
Arena alums at Station 4—Brad Oscar and Diego Prieto with Nehal.
Meg Gillentine
Jed and his mama.
Meg Gillentine
With Nicholas, my love, photo bomb courtesy of Diego.
Meg Gillentine
My Damn Yankees family- Rayanne and Brad.
Meg Gillentine
Play or Musical it doesn't matter, I'll always be a girl that bevels! Thanks Playbill.com.
Meg Gillentine