Manhattan Theatre Club has named Zora Howard as the first recipient of the new Judith Champion Playwriting Fellowship. The fellowship, fully supported by MTC patron Judith Champion, will be awarded annually, providing one playwright artistic and financial resources to develop a new commissioned play.
Howard's works include the 2021 Pulitzer Finalist Stew, 2022 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize Finalist Bust, AtGN, Hang Time, Good Faith and The Master’s Tools. Her plays have been developed at SPACE at Ryder Farm, Page 73, Pipeline PlayLab, Ojai Playwrights Conference, and Seattle Repertory Theatre. She is currently a staff writer on the Netflix series Kings of America.
"Support what is most important to you,” says Fellowship underwriter Judith Champion, “and one thing that is important to me is to nurture playwriting talent so that theatre flourishes for future generations.”
In addition to the commissioned play, Howard will receive a living allowance, access to office and rehearsal space, a ticket stipend, and a developmental workshop of at least one play during her fellowship year.