Worked on Broadway This Year? TODAY Is the Deadline To Get Your Photo in the Playbill Broadway Yearbook | Playbill

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News Worked on Broadway This Year? TODAY Is the Deadline To Get Your Photo in the Playbill Broadway Yearbook The final deadline for the inaugural edition of The Playbill Broadway Yearbook is June 30. We're striving to include photos of every person who worked on a Broadway show this year.

We have more than 2500 faces already in the book, but we're still missing some -- primarily creative and production staffers. If your name appears on the list at the bottom of this story, please email your headshot at (jpegs or tifs only, please; 300 dpi or better) to,

We already have all actor photos. We're seeking people who worked as creative staff, stage crew, ushers, orchestra, wardrobe, props or front-of-house staff on Broadway from June 1, 2004 to May 31, 2005.

The Yearbook is scheduled for publication in September, so this deadline will not be extended again. We hope you will all participate in this inaugural publication, which promises to be a wonderful piece of memorabilia for everyone who works on Broadway.

If your name appears on the list below, please email or mail a photo of yourself to, or mail it to Amy Asch at the address at the top of this story.

Abbott, Jim
Abel, Marybeth
Abrams, Bernie
Adams, Kevin
Adler, Gary
Affonso, Argemira
Alcorn, Narda
Alexander, Neil
Archer, Nicholas
Arditti, Paul
Arencibia, Lazaro
Aronson, Billy
Avallone, Angelina Balaban, Nell
Bartner, Robert G
Bass, Harriet
Bassett, Rick
Bell, Jake
Bess Marie Glorioso
Besserer, Rob
Brandon, Mark (Binder Casting)
Binder, Jay
Bishop, Scott
Black, Debra
Blitzer, Elizabeth M.
Bond, Clint Jr. -- Araca
Bostic, Kathryn
Bowdan, Jack
Boyer, Katherine Lee
Brady, Patrick S.
Braunsberg, Andrew
Brigleb, John
Broccoli, Barbara
Broccoli, Dana
Brother, Kai
Brown, David Brian
Buchthal, Stanley
Burba, Blake
Butterell, Jonathan
Byrnes, Tommy

Caddell, Stacy
Caglione, John Jr.
Campayno, Joseph A.
Carlyle, Warren
Caruso, Thomas
Casella, Carl
Catullo, Patrick
Cheever, Jean
Chris Jamros
Church, Joseph
Clark, Michael
Clay, Paul
Clemmons, Dave
Cohn, Judith Marinoff
Cole, Robert
Corker, John
Cotter, Margaret
Cox, Jane
Craven, William J.
Cunneen, Paddy
Cuthbert, David Lee

Daly, Christine M.
Deans, Jonathan and Peter Hylenski
DeBesse, David
DeMann, Freddy
DeMann Pilar
Denison, Ken
Dewar, Jenny
Dietz, Susan and Ina Meibach
Dixon, Jerry
Donne, Naomi
Du Boff, Jill BC
DuBois, Amanda
Duncan, Christine

Ensign, Evan
Epstein, Adam
Epstein, Victoria A.
Everett, Sonny

Fabian, Kathy
Falkenstein, Eric
Fantaci, Jim
Farbrother, Mindy
Feurring, Douglas R.
Fischer, Kurt
Fitzgerald, Peter
Fitzgerald, T. Richard
Flores, Melissa
Fowler, Bruce
Fox, Robert
Frankel, Ronald
Fraser, Alexander
Fried, Donald
Friedman, Janet
Fulbright, Peter / Tech Production Services
Furman, Jill
Furman, Roy

Gabay, Roy
Gannon, Ben
Garner, Sandra
Gasparian, Martha R.
Gerber, Tony
Gero, Frank
Gilkison, Jason
Gillibrand, Nicky
Gilmore, Don
Goldberg, Marcia
Goldfeder, Laurie
Goldsmith, Herbert
Gonda, Eli
Goodman, William P. III
Goodwin, Will
Greenblatt, Kenneth D.
Grigsby, Kimberly
Grisan, Bonnie (McCorkle agency)
Gromada, John
Grossman, Randi ( Max Merchandising )
Grossman, Walter
Gruse, Stephen R.
Guber, Zev
Gustafson, Bob
Guthertz, Elisa

Haft, Simone Genatt
Halperin, Joshua
Hance, Kelly
Harrington, Nancy
Harrington, Wendall K.
Harris, Roy
Herman, Stephen E.
Hernandez, Riccardo
Holcenberg, David
Holt, B.J.
Horowitz, Lawrence. MD
Howard, Stuart , Amy Schecter, Paul Hardt
Hummel, Mark

Jason, Karen
Jenkins, Beverly
Jenkins, George

Kapur, Geeta
Kapur, Shekhar
Karmazin, Sharon
Kazee, Jeff
Kelly, Glen
Kelson, Carolyn
Keneally, Ken --Teckeneally, Inc
Kennedy, Steve Canyon
Kenney, William J.
Kenwright, Bill
Kopulsky, Marty
Krane, David
Krassner, Meri
Kreidler, Todd
Kukoff, Bernie

Lacerte, Philip
Lachowicz, Cheryl
Lander, David
Landwehr, Hugh
LaPointe, Charles G.
Lavallén, Victor
Lawrence, Peter
Leguillou, Lisa
Lehrer, Scott
Leichter, Aaron
Lenz, Matt
Leonardis, Tom
Levy, Aaron
Levy, Steven M.
Litrenta, Nick
Lundquist, Todd
Lutfiyya, Sam
Lyn, Anthony
Lynch Brian -- Theatretech Inc.
Lynch, Claudia
Lyons, Jason
Lyons, Patty
Lyster, Russ

Maclean, Stephen
Magid, Larry
Magoon, Marshall
Mahmoud, Neveen
Malina, Stuart
Margoshes, Steve
Mark, Zane
May, Peter
McCarthy, Elaine J.
McCorkle Casting, Pat McCorkle McKneely, Joey
McWaters, Debra
Mead, Lew
Medcalf, Harley
Meeh, Gregory
Menchell, Ivan
Metzger, David
Meyer, Douglas L.
Meyer, Jerry
MGM On Stage, Darcie Denkert, Dean Stolber
Michael Rose Limited (Michael Rose, David Morgan)
Miller, Mike
Miller, Paul D.
Milliken, Travis
Mills, Marianne
Milstein, Cheryl and Philip
Monat, Phil
Mont, Ira
Montan, Chris
Morley, Larry
Morse, Tom
Mortimer, Vicki
Muratalla, G. Eric
Myers, Don

Nederlander, Scott
Nelson, Edward
Newhouse, Kristin
Newman, Harold
Nugent, Nelle

O’Brien, David John
O’Donovan, Gene ( Aurora Productions)
Parker, Alecia
Parnes, Joey
Passaro, Michael
Peyser, Lynne
Phillips, Tripp
Pierce, Edward
Pinsky, Jonathan and Cathy
Pluess Andre and Ben Sussman
Poleshuck, Jesse
Posener, Daniel
Powell, Arabella
Poyer, Lisa M.
Prosser, Sarah (Binder Casting)
Prouty, Allison
Pule, Michael
Purvis, Kathleen E.
Pytel, Janice

Rada, Mirena
Rafter, Michael
Red, Buryl
Resner, Morris
Rich, Denise and Raph Williams
Richards, Martin and Sam Crothers
Richenthal, David
Robinson, Martin P.
Rosenfeld, Jyll
Rosenzweig, Barney
Rosokoff, Daniel S.
Roth, Michael
Routh, Frankel, Viertel, Baruch Group
Ruggles, Brian
Russell, Kimberly

Sack, Domonic
Salomons, Ruthlyn
Sanders, Derrick
Saraffian, Andrea O.
Schaffert, Greg
Scheivert, Dan
Schwartz, Clifford
Schwartz, Erica
Schweickert, Joyce
Scibelli, James
Scott, Robert
Seligson, Gary
Seraphine, Danny
Shivers, John
Siccardi, Arthur P.
Siccardi, Drew
Silber, Chic
Simunek, Nick
Skinner, Steve
Smith, Beth
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Greg
Smith, Jimmie Lee
Sommer, Brett
Speyer, Michael
Stanczyk, Laura (Binder Casting)
Stauffer, Scott
Steiger, Rick
Steiner, David and Sylvia
Steinmeyer, Jim
Stern, James and Endgame Entertainment
Stern, James D
Stern, Jerome L.
Stern, Matthew Aaron
Stifelman, Leslie
Stiff, Barclay
Stites, Kevin
Stoll, Jon
Straker, Dick and Sven Ortel
Strassler, Abbie M.
Suisman, Elsa Daspin
Swee, Daniel

Tatelman, Susan and Barry
Tazewell, Paul
Testani, Andrea “Spook”
Thau, Harold, Max Cooper, AD Productions ( Judy Arnold and Brantley Dunaway )
Thompson, David
Thomson, Lynn M.
Tiwary, Vivek J.
Tolan, Cindy
Travis, Ken
Treagus, Andrew
Triner, James (Stuart Thompson)
Troob, Danny

Vaccariello, Patrick
Vaishnav, Sudhir
Vallance, Robert-Charles
Van Tieghem, David
Vargas, Jorge
Vernace, Kim
Vernieri, Jorge
Vito, Jean-Luc Don
Vodicka, Ron
von Mayrhauser, Peter

Wagner, Laura
Waldman, Robert
Walker, Chris
Ward, Michael
Watt, Michael
Weil, Tim
Weiner, David F.
Weisbord, Barry
Weisenfeld, Cheryl
Wendt, Angela
Weston, Jon
Wilcox, Scott
Williams, Dana
Wilson, Michael G
Witherow, Robert
Witter, Terrence J.
Wolsky, Albert

Yaney, Denise
Yearby, Marlies
York, Don
Young, Greg

Zweigbaum, Steven

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