Directed by Donald Brenner (December Fools), the limited engagement will continue through Nov. 18 and star Tom Mardirosian, who is best known for his work on HBO's "Oz" and "The Wire" and has been seen Off-Broadway in Lynn Nottage's Ruined.
Here's how the work is billed: "With the economy struggling and newspapers dying, Maury (Mardirosian) and his fellow reporters devise a desperate plan that will allow one of them to escape office hell and live his or her dream. The office sports pool, once a fun diversion, becomes deadly serious when the ante is substantially raised, and what's at stake becomes no less than their lives. And yes, March Madness is a comedy!"
The cast also includes Brad Bellamy (Off-Broadway's Alphabetical Order), AJ Cedeño ("Smash"), Mark Doherty (Abingdon's Blame It On Beckett) and Lucy McMichael (FringeNYC's The Fabulous Kane Sisters In Box Office Poison).
Other members of the creative team include set designer Andrew Lu, lighting designer David Arsenault, costume designer Laura Crow, sound designer David Margolin Lawson, production stage manager Mark Hoffner and assistant stage manager Kristin Bodall.
Playwright Vogel is a freelance journalist whose op-ed pieces have appeared in Newsday, New York Daily News, New York Post and Metro. His other works include Headhunters, Checks and Balances and Trouble in Tuckahoe. Abingdon's upcoming 20th season also includes Elisabeth Karlin's Bodega Bay, directed by Sturgis Warner (Jan. 25-Feb. 17, 2013); Robert Brustein's The Last Will, directed by Austin Pendleton (April 5-May 5, 2013); and Michael Bonnabel, directed by Darin Anthony (April 26-May 19, 2013).
The Dorothy Strelsin Theatre is located at 312 West 36th Street. For more information and tickets, call (212) 868-2055 or visit