PhotosThe Jellicle Cats Come Out For a Portrait Unveiling at the AlgonquinThe Hirschfeld Foundation put on display caricatures of the original cast of Cats at the hotel March 6.
Hannah Vine
March 07, 2017
Mamie Parris
Joseph Marzullo/WENN
Mamie Parris, Christopher Gurr, and Jessica Hendy came out for a special art unveiling of the original Cats caricatures at the Algonquin Hotel March 6. The iconic caricatures Al Hirschfeld drew of the original production were put on display at the hotel by The Hirschfeld Foundation.
Flip through the photos from the unveiling below:
The Jellicle Cats Come Out For a Portrait Unveiling at the Algonquin
The Jellicle Cats Come Out For a Portrait Unveiling at the Algonquin
The Hirschfeld Foundation put on display works of the original cast of Cats and legendary composer Andrew Lloyd Weber at the hotel March 6.
CATS Hirshfeld portrait
Portraits of Loni Ackerman and Betty Buckley in CATS