We got so hyped about the latest editions of Hamilton Funko Pops that we decided to create a mini-Richard Rodgers stage to display the collection. But we didn't want to keep all the fun to ourselves, so along with our good friends over at Hamilton, we've put together a little DIY project, complete with instructions and a printable PDF photo of the bare Hamilton stage featuring David Korins' Tony-nominated set design.
The new Funko Pop set, out March 12, focuses on Act 2 of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Tony- and Pulitzer-winning juggernaut and includes Hamilton in his Act 2 green costume, James Madison, King George, and Thomas Jefferson.
Supplies Needed
3 sheets of 8-1/2" x 11" paper
cardboard, foam core board, or card stock
glue or tape

Step One
Click here to download and print the backdrop image. The image consists of three separate panels, all included in the same 3-page pdf, formatted to fit onto 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Photo-quality paper will yield the sharpest image results.
Step Two
Cut along the lines shown on each panel so that only the image remains without any of the white paper border left.
Step Three
Attach the image panels to your backing. We used a glue stick and glued the panels to one large piece of foam core board. Make sure you get the panels in the right spot. Panel A (which is stage right) goes on the left, Panel B in the center, and Panel C (stage left) goes on the right.

Step Four
Now that the panels are glued down, cut the backing to size. We used a box knife to cut the foam core board, then used the box knife to score the back of the foam core (not cutting all the way through) to create a bend at the connecting point of each panel.
Alternate Methods:
If you don't have access to foam core, you can use cardboard or card stock. We even tried it out on cereal boxes. Because these materials are thinner than foam core, you won't be able to keep it as one piece with the score and bend technique that we used. Cut each piece of backing the same size as the panels, then use tape on the back side to attach all three panels. The tape will create a natural hinge that will allow the backdrop to stand on its own.

If you're feeling super crafty (we were), glue popsicle sticks to a piece of cardboard to create a hardwood stage. We even bought a wooden lazy susan so we could reenact the duel on a turntable (EXTRA).
Click through the gallery below to see some of our displays using the new Funko Pop releases, as well as previous Hamilton Pops, including Aaron Burr and the Schuyler sisters. We can't wait to see what you come up with! Post your creations on social media with the hashtag #PlaybillFunko so we can share it.