Pretty Woman: The Musical, the Broadway musical adaptation of the classic romcom, began previews July 20 with Samantha Barks (Les Misérables) in the lead role of Vivian. It officially opens August 16 at the Nederlander Theatre. The production features a book written by Garry Marshall and J.F. Lawton, as well as music and lyrics by Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance.
The new musical, described as a modern day Cinderella story, follows the story of a businessman who hires an escort for a week. However, during their time together, both come to realize that they have more of a connection than they thought.
The production is directed and choreographed by Jerry Mitchell. Other cast members include Andy Karl (Groundhog Day) as Edward, Orfeh (Legally Blonde) as Kit, Eric Anderson (Waitress) as Mr. Thompson, Jason Danieley (Chicago) as Philip Stuckey, and Ezra Knight as James Morse.
The creative team also includes David Rockwell as scenic designer, Gregg Barnes as costume designer, Kenneth Posner and Philip S. Rosenberg as lighting designers, John Shivers as sound designer, and Josh Marquette as hair designer. The production also includes music supervision, orchestrations, and arrangements by Will Van Dyke.