Variety reports that the play — to be directed by Tony Award winner Trevor Nunn — will be produced on Broadway by Sonia Friedman and Boyett Ostar productions. The latter is responsible for the London-to-New York transfers of The History Boys and the forthcoming Coram Boy. No casting or theatre have been announced.
Trevor Nunn’s production of Rock 'n' Roll was presented as part of the Royal Court's 50th anniversary season. The starry first-night audience included Vaclav Havel, Czechoslovakia’s leading playwright, dissident and, after the Velvet Revolution, the country's first president. Also present was Mick Jagger, whose Rolling Stones music is featured in the play along with many other iconic bands.
After the Royal Court run, the play opened in the West End. It will end its run at the Duke of York's Theatre Feb. 25.
In the play, rock music represents the freedom of expression that communism sought to stifle. Stoppard's hero is Jan, played by Rufus Sewell, a music-loving Czech student under the tutelage of Cambridge academic Max. Max comes under pressure to reassess his commitment to communism following Russia's 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. The cast also includes Sinead Cusack, who plays both Max's wife Eleanor and their daughter Esme.