Playbill has acquired the assets of TheaterWeek, the New York-based theatre magazine that ceased publication in January 1997. Philip S. Birsh, publisher of Playbill and Playbill On-Line, said he intends to resurrect the magazine in autumn 1997 as a website on the internet highlighting some former TheaterWeek columnists, along with new columnists and features.
As for whether the magazine will reappear in hard copy on newsstands, Birsh said, "We will explore other alternatives going forward."
Birsh said, "As part of our settlement with the trustees of TheaterWeek, Playbill national magazine will fulfill, up to 12 months, the subscriptions of all TheaterWeek subscribers of record at the time of the magazine's bankruptcy."
Playbill has acquired the TheaterWeek subscriber list and will contact all eligible subscribers by mail.
-- By Robert Viagas