NewsPHOTO CALL: Anna Chlumsky, Emily Bergl and Love, Loss... Cast Members Build Homes With Habitat for HumanityEmily Bergl, Anna Chlumsky and the current cast of Love, Loss and What I Wore helped Habitat for Humanity install Sheetrock in NYC-Habitat homes in Bed-Stuy on June 28.
Krissie Fullerton
June 29, 2011
Bergl, Emme and Ashley Austin Morris are part of the current cast of Love, Loss… while Penny Fuller, Anna Chulmsky and Adriane Lenox are all alumni of the production.
The cast members helped install Sheetrock in a series of units in a 1931 building in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. The building is being converted into an eight-condominium building, designated as affordable housing through Habitat-NYC.
Here's a look at the ladies in action:
Anna Chlumsky, Emily Bergl and Love, Loss... Cast Members Build Homes With Habitat for Humanity
Anna Chlumsky, Emily Bergl and Love, Loss... Cast Members Build Homes With Habitat for Humanity
Emily Bergl, Anna Chlumsky and the current cast of Love, Loss and What I Wore helped Habitat for Humanity install Sheetrock in NYC-Habitat homes in Bed-Stuy on June 28. Read the story.
The exterior of the building the ladies worked in.
Deborah Schwartz
The Love Loss ladies with the Habitat for Humanity Team
Deborah Schwartz
Adriane Lenox, Emily Bergl, Penny Fuller, Anna Chlumsky, Emme and Ashley Austin Morris
The new institution will honor multiple honorees, with separate dimmings reserved for those a committee designates as having had a significant and lasting impact on Broadway.
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