Brittany O'Neill will direct a cast that also includes Eric Clem and Daiva Deupree.
"A gripping tale of a young professional at a critical moment in his life, A Dog's Tale (or The Thing About Getting)," according to press notes, "explores the overwhelming human drive for success and the disaster of achieving it. Through sharp-witted dialogue and a series of flashbacks, five characters are forced to face their relationship with the ever-impending tomorrow."
Colaizzo wrote and composed Suicycle: An Attempted Theatrical Rock Experiment and collaboared with Elizabeth Swados on the book for The Dybbuk. As an actor, he appeared in Veritas at the New York International Fringe Festival, on "As the World Turns" and on the web series "Cubby Bernstein," collaborating on the creation of the latter with Douglas Carter Beane. A Dog's Tale is the third play in Colaizzo's Want, Give, Get trilogy; the others, Really Really and Little Gives, have received readings at the Kennedy Center and elsewhere.
Admission to the reading, which will take place on the Kennedy Center's Millenium Stage South, is free. For more information, visit kennedy-center.org.