Joe DiPietro's noir thriller Hollywood officially opens May 18 at La Jolla Playhouse in California. The new play, which began previews May 10, is inspired by true crime events. The production stars Tony winner Harriet Harris as Charlotte Shelby, a 1920's Broadway actress and a suspect in the murder of Hollywood director William Desmond Taylor.
Set in the Golden Age of Hollywood, Hollywood explores Taylor’s unsolved murder. The world premiere is directed by La Jolla artistic director Christopher Ashley with performances scheduled to run through June 12.
“Audiences are in for a fantastic night at the Playhouse with Joe’s smart and sexy new play. Though set in the Golden Age of movies, Hollywood depicts a time and territory that is uncannily like our own, both politically and culturally,” said Ashley in an earlier press statement.
The cast also includes Matthew Amendt, Talene Monahon, Jacob Bruce, Scott Drummond, Shaun T. Evans, Patrick Kerr, Katherine Ko, Martin Meccouri, Kate Rockwell, Lee Sellars, Caroline Siewert and Terrance White.
Here is how press notes describe the new work: “In 1922, famed director William Desmond Taylor is found murdered in his home. The celebrity suspects mount as the headlines explode with lurid reports of love triangles, hush money and deception. Enter Will Hays, Hollywood's newly-appointed moral watchdog, determined to silence the scandal and purify this increasingly corrupt city. Based on the true story of Taylor’s unsolved murder, Hollywood is a noir thriller set in the Golden Age of movies.”
The production features scenic design by Wilson Chin, costume design by Paul Tazewell, lighting design by Howell Binkley, sound design by Jill BC DuBoff and projection design by Tara Knight. Wayne Barker is composer; Shirley Fishman is dramaturg, and Arturo Porazzi is stage manager.
To purchase tickets phone (858) 550-1010 or visit