PhotosMurder, Milestones and Madonna! Spend a Two-Show Day With Brittany Vicars at 39 StepsThe Off-Broadway return of Patrick Barlow's Tony Award-nominated comedy 39 Steps officially opened April 13 at the Union Square Theatre. Producer Douglas Denoff is behind the revival, which reunites the musical's entire original creative team as well as some of the cast. Actress Brittany Vicars (who graduated from Juilliard last year in the same class as Alex Sharp) shares a recent two-show day!
Matthew Blank
July 20, 2015
Murder, Milestones and Madonna! Spend a Two-Show Day With Brittany Vicars at 39 Steps
Murder, Milestones and Madonna! Spend a Two-Show Day With Brittany Vicars at 39 Steps
The Off-Broadway return of Patrick Barlow's Tony Award-nominated comedy 39 Steps officially opened April 13 at the Union Square Theatre. Producer Douglas Denoff is behind the revival, which reunites the musical's entire original creative team as well as some of the cast. Actress...
You may wonder, “What is a nosie?” Well, it’s a beautiful gift that everyone receives when they
come to 39 Steps! We don’t use the nosies in the show, but it's a special reminder to us that any one with enough joy and laughter can be a clown at the theatre, and hopefully as an artist and citizen in the world. So I wake up with my noise, wrapped in my beautiful knit blanket that was made for me by my nan!
Brittany Vicars
It’s a two show day and I wanna get a little strumming of my mountain dulcimer in before I have to get out of my bed.
A s my first Shakespeare teacher, Tim Grant would say, I looooooooooove my beeeeed!
Brittany Vicars
This is the set up at my apartment. My roommate Wyatt Manobla got the mannequins on the street- #newyork - and is a collector of all things, we have six typewriters, fake foliage, and one beautiful spiral staircase. The chalkboard has one of our favorite quotes by Churchill.
“Don’t take no for an answer, never submit to failure.
Do not be fobbed off with mere personal success or acceptance.
You will make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are generous, and true,
and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.
She was made to be won and wooed by YOUTH.”
And yes, I have a not so secret desire to play Winston Churchill in a biopic… #onebritatatime
Brittany Vicars
Here we are at the other end of the rabbit hole! I’ve come downstairs to see the decorations for the Madonna party I’m throwing for PRIDE, oh wait… that's just a day dream- I’ll have to come back and do this between shows! eee!
Brittany Vicars
After waking up, I get dressed and walk to Bikram Yoga Harlem and get to practicing my upside-down standing toe pose. #yogaforbreakfast. I’m an actress and a bat.
After sweating and stretching I pick up a sweet matcha green tea lemonade at the Chipped Cup. mmm, so good, and now I’m ready to travel to the playhouse! (Go see "Jurassic World," we went as a cast a couple weeks ago, truly an experience. )
Brittany Vicars
I travel through two of the biggest and (in the summer) most crowded subway stations in NYC, with my actor hat- 42nd Street Time Square #askmeaboutmyactorhat
Brittany Vicars
And 14th Street. I can smell the nosies from here!
Brittany Vicars
And my favorite part of working in Union Square, is that three times a week the farmers market arrives! And I ran into this beautiful chicken, who has three friends living at our theatre. :) And this dog, who has his nosie on.
Brittany Vicars
And I stopped to smell this Denver Daisy, because I’m from Denver and Colorado is the best place on earth.
Brittany Vicars
And this type of physical comedy requires a little warm up time!
Brittany Vicars
And as soon as I’m warm I walk downstairs to the crossover to see our Electrician Austin sitting reading with a good friend.
Brittany Vicars
On my way to the dressing rooms I meet our wonderful Understudies, Daniel Harray and Barrie Kreinik, they each have saved the show over fifteen times now! Without them the show could not go on, and they are two incredible actors if I do say so myself.
Brittany Vicars
And look who has finally arrived, the stars of the show, and two of the funniest and generous people to work with, Billy Carter and Arnie Burton, Clown 1 and 2, or 2 and 1… all I know is that I told them to look cute for this picture and they simply look adorable!
Brittany Vicars
Look who’s here!! Douglas Denoff our producer stops by with… a cake?!! Oh yes, I forgot to mention that today’s
matinee is our 100th PERFORMANCE!!
Brittany Vicars
My leading man Robert Petkoff who plays Richard Hannay, shows me how 100 Shows has aged him.
Brittany Vicars
His nosie has lost a little shine- I remember just weeks ago when…
Brittany Vicars
His nosie was shiny, oh how the time f-l-y-s. WE’LL GET HIM A NEW ONE :)!!
Brittany Vicars
Time to get into costume!! Fun fact, I have used over 1 pound of bobby pins throughout 100 performances, what with a head full of pin curls, and three wigs it seems to make sense!
Brittany Vicars
Bobbi has her nosie on - and it’s time to become Annabella Schmidt.
Brittany Vicars
The Foreign Spy- who knows Altoids are important when acting in close proximity to others.
Brittany Vicars
A brief reminder on our chalkboard that the Supreme Court made the right choice and that love is love, before going upstairs
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A quick peek into the audience and
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Robert double checks his props, while Bobbi turns off her phone- and WE’RE OFF!
Brittany Vicars
And it’s almost the end of Act One when Barrie and I pretend to be the clowns… we know all the lines so ….
Brittany Vicars
its only a matter of time until we get to go on. We have big plans…
Brittany Vicars
INTERMISSION, Barrie knits and I read while the boys drink Alfred Hitch cocktails, which is a secret mixture of Fresca and grape juice, it’s very good, a Petkoff creation.
Brittany Vicars
And by the end of the show we have officially done 100 Performances, which is a major accomplishment for me because it’s the longest run I have been apart of since I graduated Juilliard last May 2014! And yes, the “Hot” sign hanging up is definitely for us.
Brittany Vicars
Another brilliant Petkoff shenanigan, why cut the cake when we can stab it!!!
Brittany Vicars
Bobbi catches us eating in costume!! Now lets see who get the knife! eeee
Brittany Vicars
I ask Doug for a picture, he’s the best producer I’ve ever met, and he ALWAYS has his nosie on. Even if just for an accessory. Without him none of us would be on the stage, thanks Doug!
Brittany Vicars
One down, one to go! (I promise I don’t usually take this many selfies, but when Playbill calls….)
Brittany Vicars
After the show I walk over to the Strand , (the best bookstore in NYC) to say hi to my best friend and favorite playwright Jake Brasch on his fifteen minute break. We talk about what he’s working on and how I can be eenwolved. He’s pretty much the most brilliant artist I’ve ever met so go ask him about books and life if you’re in the area. I also brought him nosies to hand out at work so we put them on this car instead.
Brittany Vicars
I run into another artist and friend on the train, Eve a dancer and fellow J-yard alumni, we can’t believe its been a whole year since we left college, she’s also dressed in her costume for my impromptu Madonna Pride party tonight. I usually take a nap between shows but tonight I’m doin’ the most, I head back up town and then back downtown, get a smoothie and
Brittany Vicars
It’s raining- no monsoooning in Union Square, the patrons at the theatre all huddle inside to stay dry while we get ready because its, Saturday night tonight! I really should be wearing Maragaret's wellingtons!
Brittany Vicars
Lets do this #101.
Brittany Vicars
19 minutes to curtain, before we get my dress on, I take some time to sit with Bobbi and Becky, our spectacular dressers who help me with problems I didn’t even know I had. In this picture I am actually helping with a dating profile, I won’t say who- but one or all of us is looking for that special someone, I wonderrrrr. Photo creed, Daniel Harray.
Brittany Vicars
Robert is dutiful in keeping track of his Abbey countdown, she’s our master carpenter who has been away in Montana, she’ll be back soon, as we wait for her return!
Brittany Vicars
This is my quick change during Act One from Annabella into Pamela, I had a little girl tell me once, that wasn’t you at the beginning of the play, no way, you had a knife in your back, you couldn’t keep acting after that! #themagicofthetheatre
Brittany Vicars
This is my book that I read on the train as Pamela, every night before I go on I kiss it to leave my lipstick behind. There’s four pages full of lips, this is my one ritual I’ve indulged in with this show. And it's a pretty special collection for me, a nice reminder of the time. xxxx
Brittany Vicars
and that show is over! We still have half the cake!
Brittany Vicars
I meet Jake Brasch and we get on the train uptown to
Brittany Vicars
Harlem. Now it’s time to celebrate PRIDE and get dressed up as
Brittany Vicars
Madonna- and there’s my grandad as a young man with his NOSIE on
Brittany Vicars
The night ends with Wyatt and Matthew Rodgers, we are about to dance our faces off, and yes, I have no idea how I’m still standing.
Brittany Vicars
And this is how I really end my night, once I’m home and ready for bed, I Skype my beautiful grandparents before sleep. They are my support, the loves of my life and most importantly my family, the reason why I’m here. xoxoxox
The cast of 39 Steps features original Broadway cast member Arnie Burton as Clown #2, as well as Billy Carter as Clown #1, Broadway vet Robert Petkoff as the dashing hero Richard Hannay and Brittany Vicars as Pamela/Annabella/Margaret in her New York City stage debut.
The creative team includes Tony-nominated author Patrick Barlow, Tony-nominated director Maria Aitken, Tony-winning lighting designer Kevin Adams, Tony-winning sound designer Mic Pool and Tony-nominated scenic and costume designer Peter McKintosh. "39 Steps is a joyful and anarchic experience for all concerned – I'm delighted to return to it – and there's a particular pleasure in making theatrical magic without trillion dollar sets!" said director Aitken in an earlier statement.
Binder Casting cast the production, featuring general management by Roy Gabay Productions and Daniel Kuney.
39 Steps, according to press notes, "is a comedic spoof of the classic 1935 film, with only 4 “insanely talented” actors portraying more than 150 characters, sometimes changing roles in the blink of an eye. The brilliantly madcap story follows our dashing hero Richard Hannay as he races to solve the mystery of The 39 Steps, all the while trying to clear his name. The show’s uproarious fast-paced 100 minutes promises to leave you gasping for breath… in a good way! It’s fun for everyone from 9 to 99."
The 39 Steps (which has now dropped the "The" from its title) received its American premiere at the Huntington Theatre Company in Boston prior to opening on Broadway in 2008 at the American Airlines Theatre. It transferred to the Cort Theatre and then to the Helen Hayes Theatre before closing in January 2010. After closing on Broadway, the work moved to New World Stages, where it played through January 2011.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit or call (877) 250-2929.