K Company has launched a magazine totally devoted to the fans of "Miss Saigon." Named after one of the songs in the show, "Sun and Moon," the magazine addresses the story of Vietnam War and and aims to promote the postitive aspects of the show. The premiere issue began its circulation in November 1995 and it explores various topics. Among them are casting information, reviews of the different performances and other interesting tidbits behind the "Miss Saigon" story. The magazine covers all the different productions of "Miss Saigon" from all around the world including New York, London, National touring companies, Germany, Australia, Tokyo and just added to the list, the Netherlands.
Sure to be a collectors item, only 50 copies of the inaugural issuewill be printed . The subscription fee for "Sun and Moon" is $10 a year for four issues for the U.S. and $15 (U.S.) for Canadian and other international subscribers.
To receive "Sun and Moon," send request to: Sun and Moon, c/o J. Jennifer Kang, 16 Maltbie Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450, e-mail SunMoon21@aol.com.