Mad/Woman, a new musical film written and directed by librettist Marc Acito (Allegiance), will make its New York premiere November 2 at the Queens World Film Festival, where it is nominated for both Best Narrative Short and Best Director.
Inspired by the songs of indie rocker Storm Large, Acito penned the 15-minute film “to show how movie musicals can be made affordably.” Five songs by Large, who also stars, are featured.
Filmed on Rick and Halle Sadle's property in Portland, Oregon, in summer 2020, Mad/Woman concerns a woman, beaten unconscious by her husband, who searches her mindscape for a way out.
To mitigate his male perspective, Acito chose an all-female crew, whose insights proved invaluable since he was directing remotely from New York City. He also conceived the film without dialogue, so it operates more like a visual album. As a result, the film is an official selection at Sound Unseen, a “films on music” festival in Minneapolis, and the ARPA International Film Festival.
For more information about the Queens World Film Festival, click here.