Live From Lincoln Center: Rodgers &Hammerstein’s Carousel originally aired on PBS April 26, 2013. The broadcast starred Kelli O'Hara as Julie Jordan, Nathan Gunn ad Billy Bigelow, Stephanie Blythe as Nettie Fowler, and John Cullum as The Starkeeper/Dr. Selden in a semi-staged production with the New York Philharmonic. Directed by John Rando and choreography by Warren Carlyle, the DVD of the performance will be released February 28, 2017 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon.
The cast also included Jessie Mueller, Shuler Hensley, Jason Danieley, Kate Burton, Robert Fairchild, and Tiler Peck. Six-time Tony Award winner Audra McDonald hosted the PBS broadcast. Based on the 1909 play Liliom, the story follows the ill-fated romance of carnival worker Bigelow and mill worker Jordan and includes the songs “If I Loved You” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”
Watch O’Hara and Gunn in rehearsal back in 2013: