We're striving to include photos of every person who worked on a Broadway show between June 1, 2007, and May 31, 2008, even if the show was a holdover from a previous season. We have more than 7,500 faces already in the book, but we're still missing some — primarily creative and production staffers. If your name appears on the list at the bottom of this story, please email your headshot to Yearbook@Playbilll.com. If you see the name of a friend, please let them know his or her name is on this list.
Photo format: jpegs or tiffs only, please; 300 dpi or better.
We already have all actor photos. We're seeking people who worked as creative staff, stage crew, ushers, orchestra, wardrobe, props or front-of-house staff. If you posed for a group photo at your theatre, you're already in the "Yearbook." If you missed that photo shoot, we want your photo!
Still not sure? Check out the list (below) of everyone whose name appeared in a Playbill, but who is not yet in a "Yearbook" photo.
"The Playbill Broadway Yearbook" is scheduled for publication in August, so this deadline will not be extended. We hope that everyone who worked on Broadway this season will participate in the fourth annual edition, which promises to be a wonderful piece of theatrical memorabilia. Abrams, Bernard
Ahrens, Robert
Aibel, Douglas
Aitken, Maria
Aldredge, Theoni V.
Allen, Andrew “Tex”
Amendum, Dominick
Annarella, Erin
Archer, Jeffrey
Archer, Nicholas
Arditti, Paul
Armitage, Karole
Augustine, Thomas
Aurora Productions
Austin, Neil
Avian, Bob
Babani, David
Baker, Simon
Ballard, Bill
Barlow, Patrick
Bartner, Robert G.
Bayes, Christopher
Becker, Manuel
Beckler, Steven
Bekne, David
Bell, Jake
Bernstein, Jed
Bibicoff, Allison
Binder, David
Bird, Timothy
Boland, Maggie
Borovay, Zachary
Boyd, Julianne
Boyette, Larry R.
Brady, Patrick S.
Brickman, Marc
Bronfman, Stephen
Brooks, Karen
Brosius, Peter C.
Brothers, Kat
Burba, Blake
Burgess, Anthony
Burns, Nica
Byrd, Stephen C.
Byring, Terea
Camoletti, Marc
Campayno, Joseph A.
Cantor, Marek J.
Caparelliotis, David
Carr, Jason
Carrigan, Richard
Caruso, Anne
Casey, Warren
Caskey, Kristin
Catullo, Patrick
Cavett, Wendy Bobbitt
Charlier, Paul
Chase, David
Checketts, Dave
Cherpakov, Howie
Childs, Terri
Childs, Timothy
Church, Jonathan
Churchill, Caryl
Clancy, Elizabeth Hope
Clark, Michael
Clarke, Gregory
Clay, Paul
Cochrane, Tony
Coe, David
Cohl, Michael
Cooke, Dominic
Coppel, Michael
Cork, Adam
Cox, Jane
Cross, Beverley
Cullman, Joan
Culver, Jack
Curry, Nathan
Dale, Mary Beth
Dan, Aubrey
Dante, Nicholas
Danus, Richard
Davies, Howard
Dawes, Gabrielle
DeBesse, David
Deklin, Mark
DeLuca, John
Dempsey, John
Denkert, Darcie
Denoff, Douglas
Dickinson, Ian
Dolan, Judith
Dorsen, Annie
D'Orta,, James A.
Dowling, Joey
Drobot, Clare
Dubois, Amanda
Dys, Deanna
Edwards, Duncan Robert
Elliot, Paul
Epstein, Donny
Epstein, Marc
Erskine, James
Esrick, Steven
Evans, Francis
Fabian, Kathy
Fantaci, Anna
Farber, Andrew
Farley, David
Farrar, John
Federman, Wendy
Fenton, James
Fierstein, Ron
Fine, Peter
Finlay, Francis
Fischer, Kurt
Fisher, Jeanne Donovan
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher
Fishman, Shirley
Fitzgerald, T. Richard
Florin, Jacki Barlia
Forlenza, Louise
Fowler, Bruce
Frankel, Marc
Frankel, Ronald
Freedberg, Avram C.
Freitag, Buddy
Frontiere, Georgia
Frost, John
Frost, Sebastian
Fulbright, Peter
Gallin, Susan Quint
Gardiner, Matthew
Gardner, Carrie
Gattelli, Christopher
Gaughan, John
Geier, Philip H.
Geisel, Audrey Stone
Genatt-Haft, Simone
Genick, Lee
Gerber, Tony
Gilmore, Don
Gilmore, Laurie
Gold, Steven M.
Golub, Peter
Gonda, Eli
Gonda, Kelly
Goold, Rupert
Gordon, Adam S.
Gore, John
Gorman, Michael
Granger, Milton
Grano, Joseph J.
Grant, William H.
Gray, DJ
Grazer, Brian
Green, Steve
Greil, Steven J.
Grossman, Randi
Grossman, Walter
Guild, Ralph
Hague, Albert
Hansen, Judith
Hanson, Fred
Hardt, Paul
Harrel, Dara Iris
Hart, John N.
Hase, Thomas C.
Hawkason, David
Heavey, Lorna
Hecht, Deborah
Heller, Laura
Henning, Matthew
Herbert, Matthew
Hess, Roger
Hester, Richard
Hirschfeld, Elie
Holcenberg, Daniel
Howard, Stuart
Howell, Rob
Humphris, Caroline
Hunter, Adam
Hurley, Majella
Ian, David
Isaacs, Maxine
Isaacson, Mike
Isaia, Gianluca
Jackson, Richie
Jacobs, Jim
Jacobs, Sander
Jaroslawicz, David
Javerbaum, David
Jones, Allan M.
Jones, Robert
Jordan, Vernon E.
Kallish, Jan
Kastrinos, Nicole
Kawana, Yashuhiro
Keefe, Anne
Keister, Andrew
Kelly, Glen
Kelly, Julian
Keneally, Ken
Keough, Don
King, Terry
Kirkwood, James
Kirmser, Fran
Kleban, Edward
Kleitsch, Todd
Krane, David
Kreidler, Todd
Kronzer, James
Kutner, Daniel
Lacerte, Patty Ann
Lachowicz, Cheryl
Lamb, Georgina
Lamb, Peter W.
Landau, Emily Fisher
Lanks, Mark
Lannan, Nina
LaPointe, Charles G.
Laurence, Vasi
Lavey, Martha
Lawrence, David H.
Lee, Kwang Ho
Leguillou, Lisa
Lehrer, Scott
Lenhart, Jill
Lenz, Matt
Leopold, Lizzie
Leopold, Richard E.
Levy, Tim
Libman, Stephen B.
Lindsay, Katrina
Link, Latitude
Loud, David
Lowy, David
Ludwig-Siegel, Sasha
Lunn, Maggie
Lutfiyya, Sam
Lynne, Jeff
Lynne, Michael
Macdonald, James
MacGilvray, James P.
Mack, Paul
Magoon, Marshall
Makin, Lisa
Marcus, Leslie
Marmion, Steve
Martin, Elliot
Martin, Margorie
Mason, Timothy
Masterson, Robert
Mather, Ted
Mauro, Lynette
Mawbey, Richard
May, Peter
McCarthy, Elaine J.
McFeeley, Peg
McGrath, Thomas B.
McKintosh, Peter
McNulty, Anne
Medak, Susan
Meeh, Gregory
Melillo, Joseph V.
Mercer, Randy Houston
Metzger, David
Mic Pool
Mickelson, Jerry
Mindich, Stacey
Mirvish, David
Mishaan, Richard
Mishkin, Chase
Mnuchin, Adriana
Moccia, Jodi
Molony, Patrick
Monaco, John
Montan, Chris
Moretti, Robert H.
Morgaman, Philip
Morgan, Robert
Morse, Tom
Morten, Elisabeth
Muldowney, Dominic
Murchison, Sarah
Murphy, Matt
Murphy, Thomas S.
Musser, Tharon
Myars, Mark
Napier, Elise
Natel, Jean-Marc
Nederlander, Amy
Newman, Harold
Nicholas, Parul
Niemtzoq, Annette
Nocciolino, Albert
Oram, Christopher
Orshan, Wendy
Ortel, Sven
Orton, Richard
Othick, Matt
Othick, Trent
Pailet, Janet
Pasbjerg, Carl
Perry, Shauneille
Peterson, Chris
Peysar, Lynne
Piancentile, Joseph
Pierce, Edward
Pierce, Wendell
Pileski, Peter
Piretti, Ron
Pizzi, Joey
Popp, Ethan
Price, Eva
Prisand, Scott
Rampmeyer, Mark Adam
Rebeck, Theresa
Rego, Matthew
Rego, Michael
Remler, Pamela
Rich, Geoff
Richard, Bob
Rippey, Anne
Rita, Rui
Robbins, Jody & Peter
Roffe, Mary Lu
Rollnick, Bill
Rollnick, Nancy Ellison
Ronan, Brian
Rosenbloom, Dale
Roth, Jordan
Rowland, Christine
Rubel, Marc
Rudnitsky, David
Rumery, Ryan
Russell, Barbra
Ryott, Emma
Sanders, Eric
Sanford, Tim
Sanna, James
Sarafin, Peter
Savinar, Tad
Scaffidi, Basil
Schall, Thomas
Schechter, Amy
Schlesinger, Adam
Schnall, Eric
Schneider, Mark
Schnuck, Terry E.
Schoenbrun, Jodie
Sedgwick, Toby
Seidel, Kathleen
Seuss, Dr.
Shankel, Lynne
Sharpe, Ron
Sharyn, Amy Jen
Shaw, Matthew Byam
Shaye, Robert
Sherman, Bill
Shutt, Christopher
Simon, Mark
Sine, Jeffrey A.
Skinner, Steve
Skipper, Michael
Slater, Glenn
Smethurst-Evans, Matthew
Smith, Dale
Smith, Douglas G.
Smith, Rae
Smith, Tara
Smolenski, Tony IV
Smulyan, Cari
Snape, Edward
Song, Seung Whan
Speyer, Michael
Springer, Gary
Stanczyk, Laura
Stern, Edward
Stern, Eric
Stern, James D.
Steven, Thomas
Stevens, George Jr.
Stewart, Duncan
Stifelman, Leslie
Stites, Kevin
Stolber, Dean
Strassler, Abbie M.
Swee, Daniel
Swibel, Brian
Tankersley, David
Taylor, Jason
Teague, Townsend
Thompson, David
Thompson, Lynn M.
Tolan, Cindy
Trabach, Walter
Traxler, Steve
Treagus, Andrew
Trepp, Warren
Truskinoff, David
Tulchin, Norman
Tulchin, Steven
Tulchin, Ted
Unger, Hank
van Druten, John
Van Kampen, Claire
Van Tieghem, David
Vargas, Jesse
Vickery, Dan
Warchus, Matthew
Ward, Anthony
Ward, Buzz
Ward, Michael
Waters, Daryl
Watkins, Dan
Weil, Tim
Weisenfeld, Stuart
Weitzenhoffer, Max
Weldon, Duncan C.
Wendland, Mark
Wendt, Angela
West, Darron L.
Weston, Jon
Wetherell, Elizabeth Eynon
White, Carl D.
Whiting, Jeff
Wiesenfeld, Cheryl
Williams, Allan
Wilson, Darlene
Wilson, Jeffrey M.
Wilson, Kate
Wilson, Michael
Winnick, Gary
Wise, Peter
Wolkenberg, Rick
Wolsky, Albert
Woodward, Joanna
Zinn, David
Zollo, Frederick
Zweigbaum, Steven