Nikki Blonsky, who played Tracy Turnblad in the movie musical "Hairspray," hosts the event, which features the talents of actors Jennifer Mudge, Laura Breckenridge, Joey Slotnick, Julie Halston, Max Casella and Russell Jones; and writers Beau Willimon and Jeff Borkin as well as the At Play ensemble. The directors in the ensemble are Jade King Carroll, Amanda Kate Joshi, Colette Robert and Elon Rutberg; the writers are Bekah Brunstetter, Laura Jacqmin, Josh Koenigsberg, and Harrison Rivers; the actors are Zoe Anastassiou, Satya Bhabha, Stefanie Estes, Julia Grob, Matt Hadley, Lauren Hines, Jamie Klassel, Rory Lipede, Olivia Mandelbaum, Bobby Moreno, Mary Quick, Sarah Ries, Zack Robidas, Will Rogers, Chris Smith and Roarke Walker.
The one-day process of The 24 Hour Plays, according to press notes, "begins at 9 PM the night prior to the performance. The group of theatre, film and television artists, which includes playwrights, directors, actors and designers, meet and are briefed on the upcoming 24 hours. The writers are then left to create a ten-minute play overnight. In the morning, the directors read the scripts and then the actors are called for 8 AM. Everyone rehearses throughout the day. Doors open at 7:45 PM, and curtain rises at 8 PM and there it is: six shows, all in a day's work."
The evening is produced by Kelcie Beene and Carly Hugo on behalf of At Play.
The Atlantic Theater is located in Manhattan at 48 West 20th Street. For tickets call (212) 868-4444 or visit For more information go to