Frank Gorshin may be known to a segment of the population as the Riddler from the popular Adam West "Batman" TV show, but the actor is also a gifted impressionist who lends his talents to Say Goodnight Gracie: The Love, Laughter and Life of George Burns, playing April 25-May 27 at the Coconut Grove Playhouse in Miami. Opening night is April 27.
The one-man show by Rupert Holmes (The Mystery of Edwin Drood, "Remember WENN") already garnered one of Florida's Carbonell Awards for Best New Play of 2000 in its August run at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, as well as a citation for Gorshin as Best Actor.
In the piece, comedian George Burns finds himself caught in limbo, unable to enter heaven until he plays his last performance, thereby preserving his perfect record of having never missed a curtain. Beginning with Burns' poverty-stricken youth on the Lower East Side of New York City, Gorshin recreates the great comedian's life, from his success in vaudeville and on the radio to his marriage to the love of his life, Gracie Allen, and her tragic death; finishing with Burns' late-in-life, Academy Award-winning success on the silver screen and his establishment as a 20th-Century comedy icon.
John Tillinger directs. A frequent Broadway revival helmer, he has been Tony nominated for his stagings of Inherit the Wind, The Price and Loot. Other credits include Night Must Fall, Getting and Spending, The Sunshine Boys, Broken Glass, Three Men on a Horse and the current Judgment at Nuremberg.
Tickets are $15-$45. For information, call (305) 442-4000, or visit the website at www.cgplayhouse.com.