Directed, hosted and produced by John Znidarsic, the free evening spotlights the songs of award-winning composer/lyricist Robert Lindsey-Nassif. Show time is 6 PM.
Performers include Marni Nixon, Robert Cuccioli, Eddie Korbich, Scarlett Strallen, Erin Hill, Joshua Dixon, Brandi Massey, Adam Shorsten, Lily Adams, Jacob Christopher, Penelope Deen, Michael Penick and Mikki Sodergren.
Adam Souza provides musical direction.
Robert Lindsey-Nassif composed the score for Carol Burnett’s Broadway play, Hollywood Arms, and the dance and instrumental arrangements for Stephen Sondheim’s musical Bounce, which premiered at the Kennedy Center and the Goodman Theatre. His other musicals are Flight of the Lawnchair Man, Opal and Honky-Tonk Highway.
The Bruno Walter Auditorium at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center is located at 111 Amsterdam Avenue and 65th Street.