Actor Jason Sudeikis spoke with The Today Show’s Matt Lauer about his New York Stage debut in Classic Stage Company’s Off-Broadway adaptation of the classic film Dead Poets Society.
Sudeikis said it was an easy decision to take on the role and the piece made famous by Robin Williams in the big screen version. “It’s an amazing story, still relevant, kind of timeless but then the actual endeavor of playing a part captured so beautifully and so iconically by a hero of me personally was one I had to be very thoughtful with,” said Sudeikis.
He is currently ten performances into the run, which plays through December 18. Dead Poets Society tells the story of a group of teenage boys at a prep school and one of their teachers, John Keating, who inspires them to think outside the box and not just follow the path carved by the administration.
While the role of Keating takes Sudeikis away from home—and his two children, Otis and newborn, Daisy, with fiancée Olivia Wilde—Sudeikis said that he was OK with it. “I’ve got six little boys to watch over when I’m away from him now in my class.”
Watch the full interview below: