Exclusive: New iPhone App Aims to Change How Actors Audition | Playbill

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News Exclusive: New iPhone App Aims to Change How Actors Audition Bookster is launching in NY, will soon add other cities.

The new mobile app Bookster, released March 15, is designed to organize and streamline an actor’s audition process. Created by the actor/musician husband-wife team Meg and Matthew Rybicki the iPhone app enables actors to keep up with audition notices, track previous auditions, and store photos and other audition materials.

Bookster is launching in New York City, and will expand soon to more major audition hubs, including Los Angeles and Chicago. It currently lists only theatre casting notices, but plans to add TV and movie notices.

“As producers and directors make most decisions in the entertainment industry, actors already lack control,” said Megan Buzzard (Rybicki), co-founder of Bookster. “While we can choose our auditions, offering some control, the process is still daunting and uncertain. From juggling day jobs and rehearsal schedules to scouring online audition sources and managing appointments, we still never know how long auditions will take, or, depending on the number of actors, if we will even be seen.”

Bookster is downloadable from the iPhone app store. Users start with a seven-day free trial, followed by a $1.99/month subscription, or they can purchase a lifetime membership for $39.99.

Here are the functions:

Stay Current on Auditions - Actors see a list of available auditions, sort and filter according to their own preferences, track favorites, and choose auditions they want updates from.

Real-Time Audition Updates - Performers stay informed with up-to-the-minute posts from other actors, dancers, and singers in auditions they are following. Actors can find out if they are typing, what number they’re on, and even who's behind the table.

Find Auditions Nearby - Artists navigate the audition gauntlet and save time, by viewing other auditions near them, supporting a busy day of castings and callbacks.

Track Previous Auditions - Store information about previous auditions all in one place, quickly accessing a journal of who was behind the table, feedback, and more.

Store Photos, Etc. - Actors log photos of outfits and audition materials, keeping them all on the app for future reference.

The Rybicki's launched Bookster through a successful 2015 Kickstarter campaign.

“As an actor, I knew firsthand the hectic and often overwhelming process of auditioning in a major city,” said Megan. “I stood in long lines for hours, browsing many different websites and schedules on my tiny phone. I’m a sucker for efficiency, so I wanted to improve this antiquated audition system. Now, actors can focus on what they really love, their art and their craft, allowing them to book that next job!”

For more information, visit Mybookster.com.


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