Ring them bells! Broadway power couple Drew Gehling and Julia Mattison announced their engagement January 19 in an Instagram post.
"What's hilarious and kind of wonderful is we actually met filming an episode of Turning the Tables (the improv/sketch series I used to do with Ellyn Marie Marsh, Andrew Chappelle, and Andrew Briedis), and so the two of us meeting for the very first time and interacting is caught on camera," Mattison told Playbill. "[B]etween that episode and a few friends on a mission to set us up over the following month or two, we went on our first date in the fall of 2017"
Gehling is known for his roles in Waitress and Jersey Boys on the Main Stem. Mattison most recently completed a third season of the holiday-themed Advent Carolndar and appeared in the Broadway revival of Godspell. She's also known for her alter-ego cabaret act, Ruby Manger.