Directed and choreographed by Brett Smock, the cast will feature Casey Garvin as Robert E. Lee Prewitt, Paige Faure as Lorene, Jenny Hill as Karen Holmes, Kevin Aichele as Sgt. Milt Warden, Michael Tacconi as Pvt. Angelo Maggio, Patrick Boll as Captain Holmes, Jodi Kimura as Mrs. Kipfer, Jayson Speters as Cpl. Bloom, Tom Paolino as Sgt. Galovitch, and Geoffrey Allen Murphy as Sgt. Judson.
The ensemble will include Jon Hacker, Michael Burrell, Travis Przybylski, Angela Travino, Aleka Emerson, Matthew Lieff Christian, Geena Quintos, Pepe Nufrio, Jacob Roberts-Miller, Aidan Wharton, Patrick Connaghan, Danny Lindgren, Matthew Healey, Rachel Schimenti, Amanda Robles, Anna Kostakis, and Rachel Wong.
In the musical Private Robert E. Lee Prewitt, a prize fighter, arrives in Hawaii in November 1941 to G Company. His recruitment is strategic—to win the boxing competition and bring new pride and visibility to Captain Holmes and his regiment. When Prewitt refuses to fight, he becomes a target, embarking on a love affair with an alluring escort, paralleling a dangerous relationship between his platoon sergeant and the Captain’s wife. As the infamous date approaches, the claustrophobic world of the four lovers and the desperation of the soldiers of G Company splinter amidst an escalating war.
The workshop will also feature musical direction by Vadim Feichtner, projection design by Christopher Ash, lighting design by Dan Ozminkowski, sound design by Kevin Heard, scenic elements by Stanley Meyer, and costume elements by Tiffany Howard.
From Here to Eternity opened on London’s West End on September 30, 2013, running at the Shaftesbury Theatre through March 29, 2014. With significant changes made to the show, the musical made its North American premiere at the Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival under the direction of Producing Artistic Director Smock. The production continued its development at the Ogunquit Playhouse in Maine in October 2017.
Attendees can expect a fully staged version of the show with minimal scenic and production elements. For more information, email [email protected].