Directed by Jeff Moss, the cast will be headed by Maris McCulley as go-getter Elle Woods. She is joined by Woody Minshew as Emmett, James Oblak as Warner, Jill Taylor Anthony as Paulette, Christopher Carsten as Professor Callahan, and Berlande Millus as Vivienne.
Rounding out the cast are Kolten Bell, Pasqualino Beltempo, Andee Buccheri, J Ryan Carroll, Sy Chounchaisit, Nora Elkind, Megan Hoxie, Kayla Jenerson, Brian Cedric Jones, Nicole Jones, Jacob Melssen, Graham Mortier, Tiffany O’Connor, Kwasi Perry, Dorian Quinn, Amy Romero, Jet Thomas, Eduardo Uribe, and Chelsea Lorraine Wargo.
Based on the hit movie of the same name, Legally Blonde follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, sexism, snobbery, and scandal in pursuit of her dreams.
The musical comedy has music and lyrics by Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin and a book by Heather Hach.
The upcoming production will also have choreography by Bob Richard, set design by Randel Wright, lighting by Kirk Bookman, costumes by Derek Lockwood, video design by Jon Infante, and casting by Alison Franck.
The tour is produced by Daniel Sher of Big League Productions, Inc.
Click here for the current tour itinerary.