Modeling in the late 1980s could warp anyone's perceptions. That experience certainly twisted former model and actress Barbara Blackburn into her nine darkly comic monologues, Extreme Girl. Girl, directed by Courtney Munch, runs New York City's Currican Theatre Dec. 8-Feb. 27 . Among her characters, examining women's images in modern culture, are a dominatrix, a prophetess of "bimboism," a female Mercedes Benz engineer who sells her car like a trophy wife, a women who decides to recreate herself as French for the glamour and attitude of it, and the lone man named Tony who wants to write children's books and insists he loves his stripper girlfriend for more than her breasts.
Extreme Girl is Blackburn's first solo show but not her first time acting -- she was vampire slave Carolyn Stoddard on the return of "Dark Shadows" and played Siobahn on "Ryan's Hope." She is currently at work on a black comedy screenplay with fellow former model and film star Geena Davis.
Designing the piece are Sebastian Grouard (sets), Rachel Carr (costumes) and Dana Sterling (lighting).
Tickets are $15 and available by calling (212) 726-8800. The Currican Theatre is located at 154 West 29th Street.
-- By Christine Ehren