TV viewers with a historical bent are no doubt already familiar with the breezy "Walking Tour" documentaries that have featured David Hartman and New York historian Barry Lewis looking high and low at skyscrapers, tunnels, doorways and arches. Past shows have explored 42nd Street and Harlem, but now Hartman and Lewis will venture downtown for "A Walk in Greenwich Village," airing March 5 at 8 PM (EST) on NY/NJ's WNET, channel 13); check local PBS listings for other areas). The show will focus not only on architecture but on the histories of such theatrical venues as the Provincetown Playhouse (and its golden boy, Eugene O'Neill), the Cherry Lane and the Lucille Lortel Theatre, with attention paid to the rise of the Off-Broadway movement. According to WNET spokesperson Lisa Batchelder, the program will also recall the long forgotten African Grove Theater, an all-black company located at Bleecker and Mercer Streets way back in 1821-23.
Previous Walking Tour shows have included "A Walk Around Brooklyn," "A Walk Through Harlem," "A Walk Up Broadway," "A Walk Down 42nd Street." Co-host Hartman, best known for his years on TV's "Good Morning America," had a theatrical start, including a stint as stage manager for, and playing Rudolf, the German headwaiter in, the original Broadway run of Hello, Dolly!
— By David Lefkowitz