The current Broadway revival of the musical Chicago, the second-longest-running Broadway show in history after The Phantom of the Opera, has announced a slate of events to celebrate its 20th anniversary year. Among the plans are redesigned costumes, Takarazuka Chicago at Lincoln Center Festival, summer concert in Central Park, an exhibit at New York Public Library for the Performing Arts and a new ad campaign.
The revival originated at the City Center Encores! series in May 1996. It transferred to Broadway November 14, 1996.
Chicago Celebrates 20th Anniversary Year With Starry Photo Op
As a teacher, Mr. Waddell coached Brandon Victor Dixon, Jessica Vosk, Robert Fowler, Felicia P. Fields, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Angela Robinson, Soara-Joye Ross, and more.
Partially inspired by Sophocles' Antigone, the show is an intimate exploration of love that goes beyond faith between a queer Pakistani-American man and his deeply devout mother.
The work centers on a truck driver named Larry Walters, who uses a lawn chair and 42 helium-filled weather balloons to fly nearly 16,000 feet above Los Angeles.