Watch Broadway's Hodel Interview Australia's Hodel | Playbill

News Watch Broadway's Hodel Interview Australia's Hodel The two Fiddler on the Roof stars chat about their roles and respective productions.
Samantha Massell, who plays the role of Hodel in the Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof, and Monica Swayne, who plays the same part in the Australian production of the classic American musical, are featured in a new YouTube video entitled Two Hodels, Two Interviews: Samantha Massell and Monica Swayne.

The two actresses, according to the online posting, “decided to put together a short film where we got to interview each other and find the answers to questions we wanted to know. Some are about the show, others have nothing to do with Fiddler but life and past experiences.”

Watch the video above.

Fiddler on the Roof plays Australia's Capitol Theatre in Sydney through May 8. The Broadway revival continues at the Broadway Theatre.

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