Jeremy Irvine, who played the leading role of Albert in Steven Spielberg's film version of the Tony-winning War Horse, has been cast in the forthcoming sequel to the blockbuster film musical Mamma Mia!, according to Deadline. Irvine and Harlots actor Alexa Davies are the latest additions to the ever-growing company.
Irvine will play the younger version of Pierce Brosnan's Sam; Brosnan is also now on board for the new ABBA-scored film. Davies will be seen as the young Rosie: Julie Walters, who played Rosie in the original film, has yet to sign on for the sequel.
Also confirmed for Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again!, which is set to be released July 20, 2018, are multiple Oscar winner Meryl Streep as Donna Sheridan, Lily James as the younger Donna, Tony and Emmy winner Christine Baranski as Tanya, Amanda Seyfried as Sophie Sheridan, and Colin Firth as Harry.
The film will travel back and forth in time in order to show how various relationships grew and how the past can resonate in the present.