Directed by co-conceiver Gordon Greenberg, the cast features Steve Kazee as the Pirate King; Tony winner Cady Huffman as Ruth; Drama Desk Award nominee Ed Dixon as Major General Stanley; Anderson Davis as Frederic; Drama Desk Award nominee Farah Alvin as Mabel; Mel Johnson, Jr. as the Sergeant of Police; Caesar Samayoa as Samuel; and Julia Osborne as Edith.
The ensemble comprises Krista Buccellato, Wes Hart, Sam Kiernan, Douglas I. Lyons, Chris Messina, Brittney A. Morello, Michael Rossmy, Joel Perez, Dave Schoonover, Kristen Sergeant, Christopher Sergeeff, Erica Spyres, Victor J. Wisehart and Sarah Ziegler.
Performances continue through June 14.
Created by Nell Benjamin (Legally Blonde), John McDaniel ("The Rosie O'Donnell Show") and Greenberg (Happy Days), Pirates, according to press notes, "has moved the story of a motley band of pirates who are cursed to remain at sea unless they marry virgins, their apprentice – the honorable and dutiful Frederic who longs for the day he is free from servitude, his nursemaid Ruth who is hard of hearing but soft on pirates, a gaggle of virtuous sisters, and the very model of a Modern Major General to the Caribbean. The adaptation of the beloved piece by the two greatest political satirists of their time retains the complete beloved score and marks the return of Gilbert and Sullivan to the Huntington."
The production also features choreography by Denis Jones, music direction by F. Wade Russo, scenic design by Rob Bissinger, costume design by David C. Woolard, lighting design by Jeff Croiter and sound design by Drew Levy and Tony Smolenski IV. Tickets can be purchased by phone at (617) 266-0800 or in person at the Huntington's Boston University Theatre Box Office, 264 Huntington Avenue, and the Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA Box Office, 527 Tremont Street.
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